Monday 23 July 2012

Fundraising is a long process....

I decided I would start a new post for fundraising, so it doesn't seem like your reading on forever and ever and ever!

To update you on the past few days, I sold mums guitar for £40 and raised another £10 for the sponsored walk I did! (mum knows I sold the guitar btw)  So that brings my total to £680.. but I'm not going to add it onto my virgin money giving until after my car boot sale this Saturday, since the guitar was supposed to end up there!
I also finished my article for St. Andrews church magazine, I'll upload it here for you to see soooooon. I had to send a picture with it (below) :) The bucket only cost me £1.12, bargain! I'm so excited about everything, I can't wait until January when I can finaly say "I'm going to Africa this year" It feels so far away saying next year.
TOTAL £680

28 - 07 - 12
Today was the car boot sale at the Salvation Army. I really thought it would be busier as it was indoors and in the main town, but sadly that wasn't the case! I made £24 from the car boot sale, it's dissapointing compared to the others but every penny counts and I'm still pleased at what I got! I really should start taking baked goods to my car boot sales, the cakes on the stall next to mine were dissapearing like theres no tomorrow!
I received £20 from my Aunt and a further £10 for the sponsored walk, altogether boosting my total to £724, almost half way to my £1500 November target!! Between now and then, I so far have another 2 car boots, a craft fair and a presentation at a Local Church. Every year this church raises money and then during September, they decide on a local charity to donate the money to. I am giving a presentation to let the congregation know about Project Trust and what I will be doing, to see if they will concider me to be their charity, which would be amazing!(BTW, I don't do presentations. I've always been rubbish and nervous talking infront of people but after not having much choice at selection and receiving good feedback, I don't feel to scared. Besides, after it I always feel fine, it's just the thought of doing it! Aslong as I'm still on two feet at the end of it, I will have succeded. Good preparation for my year away!)
I haven't stopped reading the blogs of previous volunteers and those away just now since I first heard about Project Trust. They are so inspiring and insightful! I hope my blog becomes one that inspires people to take this Gap Year... perhaps it will get more interesting when I'm actually ON mine...
I'm worried that when I start college again it will be harder to fundraise, so i'm trying to squeeze in as much as possible before then! Never in my life have I had £5000, it seems like an imposible target but I think i'll make it. I got a letter from Tesco Saltcoats today, there store is too small to bag pack :( That's two Tesco no no's and i'm still awaiting a reply from 2 Asda's, 2 Morrisons and 2 Sainsburys. (let's hope)
TOTAL £724
My total is now at £814 ahhhh, less than £200 now and I'll have £1000! I would like to mention that I got two recent donations on Virgin Money Giving. My dog (yes dog, mum has a sense of humour) donated £20 for chewing my new shoes :D! That's not all, Hamish (a spider, yes a spider) donated £2! very happy.
TOTAL £814
I raised £22.50 from my car boot sale today :) total is now at £866.50, I will hopefully reach £900 by the end of the month, let's see! :insert from later on this night:- Since I started fundraising, i've kept a spare change tin in the house, one of those ones that you can't get into without a tin opener (necessary in this house) Anyway, I opened it because it was full and there was £30 in it!! mainly in 1p and 2ps!! I thought that was brilliant, I have one at my dad's house and my grans too, can't wait to open them when there full. So my total is now at £896.50...£3.50 and I've made it to £900 in less than 2 months! If you would like to donate, please do it here (I bought a new tin today, twice as big :P )
TOTAL £866.50
£900! Dorothy who works with my mum donated £3.50!

TOTAL £900!