Dedicated to everyone who has kindly donated or given their time to help. 

Project Trust - For making this dream come true!


To my close family - For donating everything and anything to sell at my car boot sales. For helping me with the simple things such as driving me to those car boot sales. For being the first to sponsor me. For encouraging me and supporting me all the way.

Joseph Mullen - For turning up at my first ever car boot sale and donating an amazing £100. Incredibly generous and a great start to my fundraising.

Newly Weds - For donating an amazing £200 in return of photographing their beautiful wedding.

Debby Behan & Kayleigh - For donating £50 in return of Photographing the gorgeous Baby Niamh.

To Jasmine Park - for donating that £12 that pushed me to exactly £1000, a huge milestone. You have helped me with absolutely everything, donating, the sponsored walk, the fashion show, modelling, selling tickets... thank you.

Gran - For saving up your penny's and putting exact amounts in little money bags for me every month.

Sponsored Walk - To everyone who turned up for the challenge that was a 15 mile walk from Ardrossan to Largs. I know I put you in severe pain that day...but it was worth it for the £400 we raised.

To the 5 Charitable Trusts - For donating a combined £1250 - incredible.

To the 6th Charitable Trust for donating an amazing £800.

Virgin Money Giving - To every single person who has made a donation.

To Sarah, Mandy, Megan, Jasmine, Shelley & Emma - For modelling at my fashion show.

The Dressing Room - For hosting my Fashion Show which raised £130.

The Seamill Hydro - For donating 2 Family Passes, used as Fashion Show raffle prizes.

Barony St Johns - For donating an incredible £650.

Roy - for donating £20 in class.

Ruth - For donating £10 on 25th January, you were my first 2013 donation!

Lady that had a little too much wine - Thank you for the £1 donation on the train.

My Brother, Harry - for your £130 donation.

Sainsburys, Irvine - for allowing me to bag pack, it raised a whopping £483.91.

Friends & Family - for helping arrange my Bingo Evening, the event that completed my fundraising!

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