My Project Details arrived on May 16th 2013. After waiting almost 11 months for them, you can imagine my excitement.

I will be (am now) living and working in Durbanville Children's Home: 1 Church Street, Durbanville, Kerkstraat 1, Cape Town, South Africa. I am over the moon with the project and location. Click HERE to visit the Children's Home website.

The home acts as a safe haven for abused and neglected children, it has done for over 160 years. They are  very proud of it's staff and it's work. Here is what they say:

"We can make all make a difference in the lives of traumatized children. Many children are neglected and in great danger due to poverty, crime, violence, drug abuse and the general disintegration of moral values and family life in many South Africa communities. Durbanville Children's Home provides a safe haven for these children in order to protect them from physical and emotional abuse."

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