Monday 20 August 2012

Officially in the Four Digits as I reach £1000....

Well, One Thousand and Ten Pounds now...I feel like I will make my november target now...I hope so. I really can't believe how fast the money has been coming in. Before I started fundraising I always worried that I would really struggle with it, I've proved myself wrong! Any way...up next! I have a craft fair on Sunday. With family help I have been making cards, felt brooches and also have knitted scarfs and knitted dolls dresses to sell. Hopefully I'll atleast make more than £15, the cost of the table! I think I'll make some cakes/fudge/tablet to go along with my craft items.
TOTAL £1010
Paid £15 for my table at the craft fair today and raised -£10.50 YES THAT WAS A MINUS. Oh well, I guess I'll be sticking to car boot sales! Also had to donate something to the craft fair raffle, so I was giving away a valuable item for free, they certainly should have made that clear BEFORE I went!
Today I had a car boot sale in Ardrossan. It raised me £35 but unfortunately £10 had to fill up what I lost from the craft fair and £5 went to the table I made £20, still happy with that! AND EVEN HAPPIER THAT I WON THE RAFFLE! The prize was a very snazzy LED HD plasma TV. I'm going to sell it on for my fundraising. I am now at a total of £1040, very pleased, £460 away from my November target.
Anna (the reason I found out about Project Trust - couldn't thank her enough) left for Malawi recently, I can't believe when she is finally back I will be leaving, it makes you realize just how long she is away for! As her year ends, mine will only be beginning! I hope she has an amazing time away, it's made me so excited about leaving. (and I've only been fundraising for 2-3 months )
TOTAL £1040
 Hello! I have lot's of news for you! So first of all, I was the photographer for a wedding on Monday 10th, an old friend of my mums was the bride. Instead of a payment, I decided I would like a donation to my Virgin Money Giving instead...and I received one of £200!! Thank you so much Catherine and Stuart, I am so happy you asked me to photograph your wedding. That brings my total up to £1250 with 2 months and 16 days left until my November target of £1500 :D I THINK I'LL MAKE IT, WOOO!
 Next up, I have a car boot sale tomorrow at St.Andrews church AND I'm giving my presentation at St.Baronys church on Sunday! I'm really nervous about it, I've never done anything like this...other than on selection! hehe. Sooo... I'm sure i've mentioned before but again i'll say quickly: every year the church have a harvest project, where they help raise money for a local charity. Well this year Project Trust is that charity and I'm the local connection! Here is an article I wrote for the church newsletter, please have a look! : 
TOTAL £1250
 Car Boot sale raised £58.50, thats the most yet! Nervous about presentation tomorrow... going to go over my power point!
TOTAL £1308.50
21 - 09 - 12
 GUESS WHOS ON 3TFM RADIO TODAY ? has anyone ever heard of 3TFM radio? answers - me and no.
 3TFM is a radio station local to me, Three Towns Fm (Ardrossan Saltcoats and Stevenston) I will be on around 12, just being quizzed about what I'm doing with fundraising, how its going, all things Project Trust etc.
 It is strange that I hate talking in front of people (any people) and in the past week I've given a presentation to over 30 people and i'll be on live radio.....eeeeeeeeeeeeee!
 Here is the link to 3TFMS website, where you can listen online. I'm counting on no one seeing this until it's over :P
 Just wanted to mention how i'm getting on with charitable trusts. Well, i've been searching on Guide Star online, from there I found around 20 suitable trusts and posted off a letter with my leaflet to each. I found a .further 20 through general searching on the web and through other people, so also sent off to those. I am now currently waiting on the "Directory of Grant Making Trusts" to arrive at my local library for me, hopefully I will find a lot more in there! I have so far recieved five responses, all negative! On selection we were warned that the first replies would most likely be negative so I'm just holding on for a positive. I got a very nice mail yesterday from a trust, congratulating me and letting me know that they will be in touch after the new year! So hopefully that will be positive :) I've sent off nearly 15 letters to local companies, asking for raffle prizes, donations etc.
 I have a few car boot sales in the next month and my cheque from Barony St Johns Church (don't know how much for!) has still to arrive.
 P.S. I forgot to say... I HAVE MY FIRST BAG PACKING SPACE :D:D:D:D!!! It's at a HUGE and I mean HUGE Sainsburys Superstore in Irvine and it is booked for 6th July 2013. I know thats a longgggg way away but i'm actually really pleased with the date. It will be my final stretch of fundraising so that will be a great boost to start it!
TOTAL IS AT £1318.80