Wednesday 26 September 2012

First cheque and hit target early....

26 - 09 - 12
Today I was very lazy, I slept in until around 1ish...which I know is really bad...and I swear usually i'm skipping about waiting for the post!
Anyhoo, I wake up to a letter sitting on top of me and Instantly I felt really nervous... to be honest I expected it to be another negative response from a trust... but then a £300 cheque fell out!! I have my first cheque and i'm so happy!! For some reason I thought i'd be the only person to never recieve a check...ever!! Note to self: stop doubting. This means I have officially beat my November target of £1500, and I'm still waiting on the cheque from Barony St Johns! 
TOTAL - £1618

27 - 09 - 12 
NO WAY! I GOT ANOTHER CHEQUE TODAY! It's crazy, yesterday I was over the moon about getting my first charitable trust cheque, and then I get one the next day! It's for a brilliant £100. Thats £400 easy money in 2 days, crrraaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyy.
TOTAL - £1718
29 - 08 - 12
Car Boot sale raised £31, not bad! I met a lady from South Africa today, thats the second since I started fundraising... small world!  I thought I should brighten up my blog a little with some photos. Heres me making cakes for my car boot, at the car boot and no, I don't always look like that when I smile!

Thought this was quite funny

Loads to sell, my leaflet, yummy cakes and South Africa fruit stickers on my money tin!
30 - 09 - 12
I seem to have news everyday, sorry if it's boring! Well I got paid £50 today for photographing a friends granddaughter, it's going towards my fundraising. And she has very kindly spread the word about my photography so hopefully I'll have a few more shoots to do! I also got £200 from photographing  a wedding 3 weeks ago, so thats £250 raised from my photography! Barony St Johns contacted me, they have already raised £650!!!!! I can''t believe it, at first they hoped to raise around £200!!!! So I will recieve that cheque on the 28th October, when I go by to recieve it and update the congregation on my fundraising. Not bad for a 20 minute presentation! I am officialy 1/3 of the way there :D
TOTAL £1800 
Car boot sale at Episcopal Church, Largs raised £37. I now have my two charitable trust cheques and a fundraising cheque of £456 to send of to PT! Granny Bennett donated a bag of 20ps, adding up to £10... thank you! James from my college class donated £10 to my virgin money giving... please do the same via this link!
TOTAL £1857
NO WAY. I got another cheque today for £100, amazing!  I am still waiting on The Directory of Grant Making Trusts to become available in my local library, which will hopefully bring in some more cheques! eeeep, £43 away from £2000, I really can't believe ittttttttttttttttt. I will be having a fashion show now, all clothes from The Dressing Room - Saltcoats! I also have local woman modelling :) ! I recently confirmed the venue which is great, It will be at Potters Bar in Stevenston. And it will be on the 15th November! So I am glad I have that to look forward to. I have made a poster, it will change a little when I find out exactly what to put on it but here it is anyway!!(above)

TOTAL £1957

I've been getting lots of donations of items to sell at my car boot sales and on Ebay. The spare room is so full of stuff, you can't walk 2 feet into the room! So last night I sold a vintage 1970's Mah Jong set for £16, not bad! I'm listing a lot more stuff tonight. 

TOTAL £1972