Friday 16 November 2012

Will I make £4000 before Christmas?...

 The fashion show finally pulled together and in the end, raised £115! There wasn't much of a turn out but it was still a great night and everyone enjoyed it. It was nice to see old friends turning up to help too! I definitely raised more than £20 from the raffle, that was my target so i'm very pleased! I have also to go back to The Dressing Room in two weeks to collect 10% of everything they have earned through the people I invited to the fashion show! Lot's of people were buying things and they have the chance to buy from the shop over the next two weeks too. Big Thanks to Megan Taggart, Sarah Morman, Emma McDermot, Jasmine Park and Shelley Lindsay for being my beautiful models! and of course to The Dressing Room for making the evening possible.
 I'm still hoping to have £4000 by Christmas, it feels like a long shot but i'll try!
TOTAL £3555

 I can't believe I am STILL waiting for The Directory of Grant Making Trusts to be available in my local library, argh. I'm finding my Fundraising - College balance to be a little off scale, I've had a difficult block at college and keep forgetting little things I need to do, my mind is in so many places at once! I'm loving fundraising though and I love college so I guess I just need to try harder.
 Gran gave me another bag of 20p's adding up to £10!
Car boot sale today only raised £10! It was very quiet because something bigger was going on elsewhere in the town. It's still £10 though and every little counts! I'm not very sure about what my fundraising event for Christmas will be, I need to pay for the venue but don't really want to so i'm on the hunt for a freebie. I am hoping to hold it in the same pub where I had my fashion show. I might personalize a shirt or something to wear at my car boot sales, no matter how many posters/leaflets I put all around my table people still come along and leave without saying a word about Project Trust and what I'm doing!
 Now to another topic, I love Christmas! I'm not religious but I enjoy the high spirits and the decorations and the sharing of gifts but my mum on the other hand... every year she says "nope, Christmas is cancelled this year!" while she walks around in her black "BAH HUMBUG" Santa hat. In the end she caves in and we have the Christmas tree twinkling away in the corner and the advent calendar waiting to be eaten in the middle of the night. So anyway, I've decided she is going full out this Christmas, chocolates on the tree, extra sweets in the calendar, Holly Wreath on the door, Santa and co. ornaments on the fireplace, stockings pinned below them and don't forget the big Christmas dinner! I bought her a little sparkly owl tree decoration at the car boot sale today, so she can't turn down the tree! I have no idea what my South African Christmas will be like next year, can't even imagine! So that's why I want a big happy Christmas with typical Christmassy things this year!
 Later on this evening. I just wanted to mention that my local school, Ardrossan Academy, the one which I only left last summer, has been completely ignoring me! I have E-mailed the Head Mistress twice and have also sent a printed letter in the post to the school! Now i'm not sure if it's just me, but i'm pretty sure they are required to get back to you. PS: I send the letters months ago, as in, July. Argh. It is quite upsetting really, because when I return from my Gap Year, I might be asked to go along and talk to the school about Project Trust... I would love to... but all I'll be able to think of is "don't count on them for any support!". Maybe they are yet to get back to me... It's just a surprise, I thought they would be of the first to help me out.
 I've been complaining a lot recently... I think it's just college stress... I promise things will get happier!
TOTAL £3575

If you have been following my blog from the beginning, you will know that I won a television in a raffle at one of my car boot sales a while ago. So I was going to hold a competition, with the TV being the raffle prize but unfortunately, not enough people are interested in entering! So instead I am just going to sell the TV, with the money going towards my fundraising.
I SOLD THE TV! I was surprised that it was actually a friend, Haley who bought it! It sold for £80... considering I won the TV in a raffle, I am so happy with that! I'm booking a stall at a Christmas fair for 6th December. I don't think my Christmas fundraising party will happen.
TOTAL £3655