Saturday 28 June 2014

The Man and his Mountain

Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. - Nelson Mandela

Although Cape Town is very westernized, it's far from free of poverty. There are probably more citizens in the townships than in the suburbs. The townships are frequent and overpopulated where as the suburbs are sparse and spacey. Even then, in the midst of those wealthy suburbs, you will find homeless men under trees and family's on street corners. 

Durbanville is a very large suburb and might be described as a "white area". However, it is a prime example of racial segregation. The center of Durbanville is very well structured. There are fancy apartments, fast food restaurants, holiday homes and a large 'Pic N Pay' Store. There aren't many black customers in 'Pic N Pay'. That's just how it is. The ironic thing is, you're barely ever served by a white person.

Walking down the main road, the apartments become less "fancy." 'Checkers' appears, the seemingly middle-class supermarket. 'Checkers' has an equal mix of customers. Black, white, coloured, everyone, anyone. Coloured isn't a racist term in South Africa, it's the official name for a particular race. Saying that, not all coloured people define themselves by the colour of their skin. Some are coloured by Culture. 

It's some-what of a modern race. When the apartheid ended, people could be with who they wanted to be with, regardless of their skin colour. Before that, it was illegal. The apartheid ended only twenty years ago, meaning democracy in this country is as young as I am. Alongside a new government and a new way of life, the ending of apartheid encouraged a baby boom. 

So you've passed 'Checkers' and you're still walking.  It's a long road. There are no more apartments. There's a China Town, a few individual businesses and a taxi rank. This part of Durbanville is home to the 'Shoprite' Store. If you're a white person in this store, you're probably the only one.

Plastic advertisements are replaced with painted walls and white stickers stamped "safe abortion" have appeared on every bin, post box and lamp post. You rarely see a white person. Only five minutes ago, you rarely seen a black person. You're wondering what has happened. Why do they live so close together yet live lives a thousand miles apart? South Africa's apartheid wound is yet to heal. It's going to take a lot of time and a lot of faith. People still hold hope in their hearts, they believe in South Africa.

You see success alongside progress alongside forgotten tin homes and angry citizens. You see faith and you see sadness. You see smiles and you see tears. There's a different township around every corner, there's a new born baby on almost every back and there's a man with a story under every road-side tree.

There's a certain homeless man in Durbanville, who's story I wish I knew. Some say he was once a child at our home. You often see him sleeping on the road side or sitting by the gas station. People are kind to him. In Scotland, most citizens would go out of their way to avoid homeless people. That's heart breaking and it's awful...but it's how it is, is it not? But here, this man, these people, it's incredible. A few days after Christmas, he was clean shaven and he had a new hair cut. His torn flats were replaced with flip flops and he wore new jeans and a woolen jumper. Someone thought of him.

He's never left in the rain. He sits inside the warm gas station, where he can watch TV and sip on a coffee. He always chats away to himself as if he's sat with his best friend. People pop in for airtime or to buy some treats. They will say hello to him and kindly be on their way. I'm going to miss this kind of human behavior. It's not even a behavior, it's humanity and it's how it should be. The people of this country carry a very special word in their hearts- Ubuntu. It is a way of life. What hurts you, hurts me. 

Some people blame homelessness on homeless people. I don't think that's fair. People don't choose to live  a life of suffering. Every man has a mountain to climb. Some are hiking Goat Fell on a warm summers day. Other's are faced with the rocky uncertainty that is Mount Everest. Back to the man in Durbanville, all he needs is a helping hand on his way back to contentment. The people of Durbanville are giving him that help. 

We are all at the fault of poverty, it is a human creation and It can be taken away with human effort. We all have the ability to take away someones pain and suffering. Family's don't need to starve in Africa, children don't need to die of diarrhea and babies don't need to die of thirst. Yet, they do. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second. People have forgotten how to help. They want to but they don't. They feel bad about it but they don't act on it. 

The next time your television advertises poverty, don't say ack shame and go back to eating your dinner. You don't have to pick up the phone and donate money either. Just do something that humanity gave you the ability to do. You don't need to go to Africa to find poverty... 

Go to Glasgow and buy someone a sausage roll.

To be continued...

Monday 16 June 2014

Gugulethu Braii

I have an impulse to start every blog post with yoh! When you don't know what to say or it's too much to say or you don't know how to say it... just yoh. That sounds like it could escalate into a fantastic song but I won't go there. My room mate would definitely go there. We have recently amused ourselves with the likes of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang tune. Anything goes, particularly Chilli Biltong. If you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I need to put my thinking cap on. Let's start with steak and beer. Yes, again.

I've been working on night shift since January. That's a long time and because of that, I am completely nocturnal. It's an experience to say the least. I really enjoy night shift, especially recently as things have pleasantly changed. Instead of spending ten hours in one house, our shifts have been split. My most common shift involves working with the babies until 0130 and then with the oldest girls until 0700. I love it. It gives me the opportunity to experience the best of both houses. The little ones are always asleep when I arrive. At 2300, I take five of them to the toilet. This is always entertaining as some of them don't wake up throughout the entire process. I've become very attached to one of the little ones recently and I wish she could come home with me.

The little angels (sometimes) that I've been working with

I reached a new low last weekend. I had steak and chips for breakfast. It was 0700, I had just finished work and I knew weet-bix just wouldn't make the cut. I fried the steak, tossed in some onions, cooked the chips and topped it all off with a black pepper sauce. It was the best breakfast ever. I then went to bed and slept until 1700. Living life in the shadows.

Yesterday I went to Mzoli's, the out door party in Gugulethu - A Cape Town Township. As always, it was so much fun! Our ride to the township had a smashed wind screen and the driver's excuse was TIA - This is Africa. Mzoli's is famous for it's braii meat and I now know why! It was sooo goood. Have I ever written a blog that doesn't involve food?

After Mzoli's, we headed to The Location Township. If you've ever seen the movie Tstotsi, that's where it's set. It's also the setting of Blue Sky Freedom by Gaby Halberstam. This Township Party was a little more...Ghetto. It was great fun. However, everyone was looking at us, really looking at us. Not in a threatening way, just in an extremely-curious-who-are-you-where-do-you-come-from-why-are-you-here kind of way.

Our Lovely Ride

Katie, Me, Ruby, Knight, Emilio

Approaching Gugulethu!

Inside Mzoli's

Katie and Emilio...
Today is my room mate's birthday. She's happy that it's her birthday, she's not happy that we know it's her birthday. Don't ask why, I don't know. I didn't believe her when she insisted that her birthday was late July. I decided to investigate deeper into the case and discovered that it was today. She is twenty now. We went to the Beer Garden with Katie and Ruby. It was nice, I had nacho's.

I would have had steak but I couldn't afford it.

Monday 9 June 2014

Sorry Bellville

Yoh, I can't believe it's June. I barely have two months left. That in itself is something to hysterically cry about. Anyway, before I move onto Part Three Of things i'll be greetin' about, I've really got to tell you what happened in Bellville. As entertaining as it may be have been, I'd rather visit the witch doctor. The following incident may be the result of my own karma. 

We were in Bellville and we were waiting to board our train. The crowd was growing  by the second, rush hour was at it's peak. The train arrived, the doors opened. People -illegally- crossed tracks and others hurried along the platform. These platforms aren't quite your 9 and 3/4, they are INSANE. It was an every-man-for-himself battle. Within a few, slightly confused seconds, everything's fine and you're on the train. Success. That's when the uproar breaks out. Phones, plural, were stolen. The particular culprits are some-what notorious. They board the train and swipe everything before doing a hop off and walk off. For the first time in my life, I laughed because I was in shock. I would like to use this space to say "Cheers Mum!" If everyone had baby socks sewn into their bra's, everyone would still have a phone. You're a genius, I suppose.

This whole situation is either karma for my glorifying the metro-rail or karma for my dissing the witch doctor's. If you're thinking what-is-she-on-about click here. 

I'm going to write about a nearby Township that's reached the news recently. It will be in my next post, so watch this space. I'll save thing's i'll be greetin' about for another time.

Until next time...