Thursday 18 October 2012

Fashion Show booked, things are going well...

Today everything was finally confirmed with my fashion show, so pleased! The venue can hold over 50 people, so hopefully i'll be able to sell more than 50 tickets which will alone raise £225. I will also be having a raffle as I have some goodies to give away! I'm hoping to raise around £300 from the night, that would be perfect. So here is the completed poster which will hopefully soon be all over the place! Local ladies will be modelling the clothes (from The Dressing Room). I've been surprised at how many people would like to model! I've also managed to raise a further £30 from ebay.. I'm awaiting payments and then I will put it onto my Virgin Money Giving... THIS IS GOING TO BOOST ME TO £2000!! yaaaaaaay. I won't write my new total until it's confirmed. I have a car boot sale this Saturday, a car boot sale next  Saturday and then then Sunday I recieve my cheque from Barony St. Johns! (note from later on this night - Ebay money is now on Virgin Money Giving )
TOTAL - £2000!

I've had my first failure. I hope this doesn't bring on a parade of failures. I've been really excited about this giant and spectacular indoor car boot sale that all of the car booter's rave about... and then the van broke down. So unfortunately I won't be able to make it. I also had to pay for my table via cheque a week ago! So I'm hoping I will get to use this payment for the next car boot sale. I'm so sad. This one was going to be on from 9am until 3pm today! 6 HOURS LONG I COULD HAVE MADE SO MUCH. Oh well.  Everything has been going so well so i'll just see this as a little bump in the road and wait for my next car boot sale (next week). To leave you on a happy note, I made another £15 on Ebay last night! I'm also hoping to hold a fundraising Christmas party in December.

TOTAL £2015

24 -10 -12
 My posts are getting really close together again but there is just so much news!! I JUST GOT ANOTHER CHEQUE! £500! From charitable trust's I have now had 6 negative responses and 4 positives, not a bad balance! £1000 in total from charitable trusts, it is DEFINITELY worth it! I am still waiting for the Directory of Grant Making Trusts to become available in my local library, all trusts I have written to so far have been found online. I have made around £60 on ebay which is great, I'm now picking out the good stuff from my car boot sales to put on Ebay instead, they sell for so much more! I'm really positive about reaching my target now that things are speeding up. I'm hoping to reach it early so I can raise a bit of money for spending money! I was hoping to raise £3000 by the end of November, but now I know i'll raise more than that! I really can't believe how well things are going... it's a shock!
TOTAL £2515
25 - 10 - 12
GUESS WHAT? I got another cheque today! This is the second time that I have recieved a cheque two days in a row. Where is all of this luck coming from?! It was for a big juicy £250. Today is one of those days that I wish time would go faster! I still can't believe this is happening and that this time next year, I'll be in South Africa! wooooooo hooooooo.
TOTAL £2765
28 - 10 - 12
Today I went to Barony St Johns to collect my cheque of... £650!!  I can't thank them enough. They are a local church that I have had no previous connections with and yet they have been so generous! My total is now looking great and i'm hoping to have £4000 by Christmas!!
TOTAL £3415
10 -11 -12
 For those of you that have been reading this from the beginning... I quit Avon!! They were over charging me and under paying me and forever sending me the wrong things. Don't even get me started on the delivery guy who launches the delivery boxes into the house like there's no tomorrow. I'm proud for standing up for myself and quitting. I had ended up loosing money rather than earning it so it's definitely for the best. I handed my customers over to my friend Jasmine (yes Jasmine) so I'm hoping they treat her well and she gets a lot out of it!! I'm now fully focusing on my fundraising. 
 Things have been a little slow since I received my £650 cheque and I don't like the feeling of not getting anywhere! However I did just receive a £15 donation on my VMG so things are still happening slowly but surely. My fashion show is this Thursday, the only thing I'm worried about is not many people turning up! we will see. I received a raffle prize of 2 family day swim passes from the Sea mill Hydro for the Fashion Show (thank you). My fundraising has gone far beyond my expectations, to have reached my March target in November feels so amazing! I am still reading blogs, it's great now that the 2012 volunteers have just settled in at their projects, so I can follow how their year goes and when it's over, mine will begin! 
 I have booked a venue for my Christmas fundraising party! Unfortunately I need to pay for the venue so I'm keeping my eyes open for other options while it's still early.
 Don't think I've mentioned it yet but I have a personnal target of reaching £4000 by Christmas. With my fashion show this week and a fundraising Christmas party It looks possible. I'm sure it's possible if I really try! And even more possible with the help of others so please, pretty please donate straight to Project Trust here :D
 It's crazy when I realize it has been nearly 5 months since my selection course and being selected... In fact 5 months ago today I was settling into backpackers in Oban, ready to leave for Coll the next day...WHERE HAS TIME GONE?! Time has completely flown by! It's a nice feeling. I want time to fly by until I leave... but I want my time in Africa to last forever! (Hopefully I'll still be saying that when I get there.)
 I'll try not to post until after my fashion show. Hopefully next time you hear from me i'll be over the moon with how much money it raised. Fingers crossed :) 
TOTAL £3430
 My four year old sister just decided to inform us that "all African people drink from puddles". When asking "where on earth did you get that from?!" she replied, "My nursery teachers told me". I can't stop thinking about it now... of all the things nursery children could be learning about the world they live in, they get taught nonsense like that! Even worse, Emily is now convinced this is the truth and will be repeating it and repeating it and repeating it.
 Anyway, I think this blog should be about the up's and downs of my fundraising, something I can remember a year from now. So i'm having doubts about my Fashion Show, worrying that not many people are going to turn up! I've estimated about 30 people, which will bring in £135, that's still really good because it hasn't cost me anything to hold.. but I had originally estimated I would raise about £300! I know it's tomorrow so I should just wait and see... but I want to know how it goes... now! It's quite upsetting that the only friends I have coming are models, so they don't pay to get in. I did think more friends would come but oh well :( I will be having a raffle too and have been trying really hard to get some good prizes, so I hope that raises more than £20... but the less people there the less raffle tickets I will sell! Rant over...
 On a more positive note, those that ARE coming have been wonderful. Girls I have never even met have been volunteering to model and help out and that's just amazing and so kind! And my friend Jasmine and her mum have managed to sell around 6 tickets for me which is great, thank you!
I'm so frustrated all I can do is laugh, hahahahaha! The Dressing Room decided to inform me - on the day of my fashion show - that my model's have to be at their shop before 5 to get outfits chosen. I feel so terrible, all of my models have been wonderful and have all planned to be at the venue for 7 and now I've had to change the plans! I just hope they can all still make it :/ I have a really good pile of raffle prizes so there better be a good turn out :( emotions right now: panick, upset, frustrated, feel guilty for my models.

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