Thursday 19 December 2013


19.12.13 - Here are snippets from my journal, written over the past month! I have just signed up for unlimited internet - my blog posts will hopefully slip back into a regular pattern. The following posts aren't in the correct order.

21.11.13 - I didn't get to say goodbye to Anne-Lucia, she flew home while I was in Durban. Behind her, she left me a note and a bar of chocolate. It was hard not to cry. The last line read "I wish you wonderful days, never lose your smile and don't give up your dreams". It will stay with me forever.

01.12.13 -  This will definitely be a strange December, it's 36 degrees and I'm wearing flip flops. The thought of fluffy socks and snow has stirred up some emotions. I've started the month off to a great start with a great day. Today I went to a party in Mzoli' the Gugulethu Township! Gugulethu is in Cape Town, it's a huge township with an unlimited supply of tin shack salons and dusty roads. We got lost on the way but it all became a part of the fun. Every person we rolled our window down to would give us different directions. Go that way and then that way and a wala, em-zo-LEEEEZ! It has been a truly awesome day. I went with Jill and Sandhya. I bumped into Suspect Badman, a very cool musician. I also met some interesting people who live within Gugulethu. I couldn't help but notice they were all extremely fashionable. I discovered they call Gugulethu "The Hood" So, I've met Kanye from The Hood. Someone gave me a Mzoli's Glass for me, I now have two souviners.

10.12.13 -  Tonight was the Volunteer Christmas Party. As a Christmas gift to each other, we were all handed a card with someones name on it. We had to write them an anonymous compliment. The cards were then collected back in and given out to their rightful owners. My card said "Dear my lovely Jasmine, I like to say you a big thank you. You made so wonderful videos and pictures. You have a realy good talent. I also like it, that you are not angry if we don't speak so well English. Have a nice Christmas. Love you." I knew instantly from the spelling that it was a German Volunteer! I love it, It made me smile. There are so many German Volunteers, I have no idea who wrote it. It will remain a mystery. 

08.12.13 - My friend Jill leaves on Tuesday. I'll miss her. I'm sad that she is leaving so soon, I wish I spent more time with her. She is hoping to come back next year. I really hope she does because i'll still be here! Like Anne-Lucia, she left me a very sweet note. The last line reads "You're really crazy and that's what makes you this awesome girl that I met. Thank you for everything, I really love you girly" It put a tear in my eye. 

15.11.13 - Tom and I finally left the pool when Jack - our apparent father figure - insisted we go to our rooms and get dressed.Like children in a strop, we grunted and strolled our separate ways. Half an hour later and ten of us were squeezing into a five man taxi. At this point, I didn't  know who seven of our new friends were. It was so much fun! Five minutes later and we were making our way through the doors of "Cool Runnings". Bob Marley blasted through the walls, dominating the room as everyone danced - or rather bounced. I made my way through the crowd until the tight room opened into a larger bar area. Beautiful woman danced in the centre of fierce drummers, it was the largest drum circle i've ever seen. Jack surprised me by both joining the circle and then dancing in the middle. Tom was humiliated for less than five minutes before he joined in too. My favourite part of "Cool Runnings" wasn't the bar itself but in fact it's over-crowded, art stricken alleyway. Yes, you read that right. I cannot describe the instant inspiration I felt as I stepped into that alleyway. Every single person I set eyes on was a distinct individual. You could almost smell the character. Some people looked shady and secretive, others swayed in a lonely trance to the music that seeped it's way through the walls. I stood with my back against a wall for half an hour, taking in my surroundings with awe and admiration. People danced, people laughed. People whispered, sang, shouted, clinked their foaming bottles of Black Label, lit each other's pipes, appeared and dissapeared - aware and unaware. There was a constant beat in that alleyway. It was the heart to Cool Runnings. Eventually, I joined the others inside to dance a while, before heading back to Tekweni Backpackers. I want to go again, I need to. For now, it's time to sleep.

29.10.13 - Today was a really good day. I slept until 1.30pm, something i've missed with all of the 6am starts. I've been feeling very good today, my minds clear and i'm happy. I visited the gym for an hour, it was a good workout. I've been working on a video recently, of my time here. I finally finished it last night and I showed it to Rachael to see what she thought. Before I knew it, the whole of back kitchen had watched it and it had one of the volunteers reduced to tears. It melted ny heart that it meant so much to the other volunteers. They say it explains everything that's too difficult to put into words. I'm now working on a second video. Later on, Jannis turned up and reminded me that we were going drumming tonight. Instead of our usual Thursday night group within the grounds, we decide to go to belville to try out a different drumming circle. A woman from our Thursday circle drove us there. It was a much smaller group and there were more young people. One of the guys I met once had a Gap Year in Scotland! 

30.10.13 - Iona is no longer going to Durban. I'm sad about it but now i'll be even more excited to see her at christmas. I have my heart set on Durban so I'm still going to go - company or no company! It's a 25 hour coach, I can't wait. Nothing has been booked but I have been approved leave for 6 days!

31/10/13 - Happy Halloween! It's 3am and i'm on nightshift. I'm working in House 5&6 with the older girls. They are all asleep. I'm in the silent, dark corridor with my journal and torch. I've just written a letter to send home to my best friend.I had night shift last night too, I'm enjoying it.

01/11/13 - I can't believe it's november. This time last year I was stressed about organizing my fashion show. It was worth the stress. Today has been a long day but tonight was brilliant. I went to the gym at 7pm with Lisa, Rachael, Jana, Helen and Sandhya. We took too long in the changing rooms so the staff switched off the lights... even though two of us were only just out of the shower! After the gym we played basketball for a while, it was tiring but lot's of fun. Eventually we had to stop because the kids were going to bed and it was too loud. We weren't ready for bed yet so decided to lay a blanket under the stars and do some yoga. It was incredibly relaxing. All of the fitness is paying off, I've lost 16lbs. I'll sleep well tonight.

04/11/13 - It has been a wonderful weekend. Y esterday I drove to Cape Towns waterfront with Rach, Yvi, Lisa and Joanna. The sun was setting behind Lions Head as we arrived, it was beautiful. We listened to an amazing live indie-rock band for free. There's always something happening at the Waterfront. When the sky left twilight we drove to my favourite place - Signal Hill. Cape Town looked as beautiful as ever.
Tonight I visited the new Tapas Bar in Durbanville. It was nice but too expensive. We talked a lot about our work, it was very nice. 

05/11/13 - Working with the oldest girls was better than I expected. They have been very nice to me. One girl swore at me but it was nothing personal. She was extremely stroppy! Tonight was a great night. We decided to drive to Table Mountain, a nice change from Signal Hill. Rachael and Lisa sat together with a blanket, so did Jannis and Sandhya. I decided to roll down Table Mountain. It was so much fun. The sky was incredible. I seen two shooting stars. I made two wishes (won't tell you what they are but one has come true already) After an hour or so we drove the car as far along Table Mountain as we could. Next comes one of the funniest moments of my times here. There were night staff working by the Cable Cars. As we drove past, Rachael rolled down her window and asked "Could you possibly tell me where the mountain is?" The reaction on the mans face was priceless but I couldn't help feel a little guilty! The cringy part was the entire conversation that followed.

06/11/13 - Today was another amazing day. I was supposed to go surfing for the first time but it was raining. Instead, I went to Cape Town. Sandhya and I spent an hour looking through some shops on Long Street. Sandhya bought me a beautiful bracelet. I've put it on my ankle with the one from Rach. We realized the time, freaked out, grabbed a very cheap burger and then headed to Cape Towns Planetarium. It was really cool and very educational. Sandhya fell asleep but she had been before so I'll let her off! It was very funny when the lights went back on and everyone's seats stood upright again...except sandhyas. We then looked trugh the museum of South Africa. It was very interesting, one of my favourite museums. When the others decided to drive home, Sandhya and I weren't quite ready. Instead,, we decided to explore public transport. First, we took a train from Cape Town - Belville. We bought 3rd class seats and were very shocked to find out our foam exploding, graffiti covered seats were actually first class. It's beyond me why the train is splt into classes, the times have outgrown such a thing. One half of the train was overflowing with people, the other half was barely full, people sat sparsly and antisocially.  In Belville, we looked around some shops. The whole experience reminded me of Jo'Burg. I was followed by a man pleading "white girl, white girl". The mini-taxi between Belville and Durbanville was short but eventful. We were surrounded by Xhosa clicks and far too many people. I like travelling by the mini-taxi's. They are lot's of fun. It has been a really brilliant day.

17.11.13 - Tonight we went back to "Cool Runnings". There was no sight or sound of the drummers. Instead, we had the opportunity to order food. Oh my. It was the best food i've had in months. I ordered steak and chips and it was the damn best steak and chips i've ever had. Ever. It's also the cheapest Steak and Chips i've ever had. Ever. It cost around R30, the equivalent of £2. I ate my food and happily swayed along to the music. Now and then I dissapeared into the alleyway. It was much quiter but there was still that undeniable hum of life. I had more space to appreciate the art work that dominated the walls, window bars and drainpipes for as far as they stretched. "Our time will come" and "Our Legacy has begun" were two of the quotes closest to me, sprawled vertically on drainpipes. My favourite piece on the whole wall however was a quote that's written backwards, a little sketchy and difficult to read. My instinct was to turn and face the wall opposite me, where a broken shard of mirror clung to the wall. Keeping my eyes on it, I walked until the quote slid into it's frame. "None but ourselves can free our own minds." Beautiful. Back at Tekweni, I went for a lonely swim in the pool, for an hour. It was incredibly relaxing.

25.10.13 - I've just finished reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I could barely put the book down and my eyes welled up more than once. I would recommend this book to everyone, it's an incredible fast-paced, heart-breaking read. "For you, a thousand times over."

06.12.13 - One of the girls woke up and joined me on the floor. She silent for a few moments before saying "And now, my world will fall apart."She soon went back to bed. It's just after midnight and I'm on night shift. I've just heard the dreaded news that Nelson Mandela has passed away. The country will stand still, it's heart will break and tears will fall. Behind him, he leaves an legacy and a lesson: inspiration, hope and encouragement to the entire world. I only hope that the scars of South Africa's past continue to heal in his image. Madiba can finally rest. May he watch over this beautiful country with pride. 

At the Waterfront 

On the Beach

With Lauren and Tom

In the Backpackers Pool

My Durban Backpackers

Watching the Sun Rise

With Lisa at the Childrens Christmas Party

Tribute to Mandela

On our way to Table Mountain

Bringing Christmas Spirit to the beach

Learning to Surf on Blouberg Beach

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