Saturday 31 May 2014

How About America?

I've tried and failed to write this post since I got back from Tsitsikamma. I've tried and failed serious, I've tried and failed witty. I don't really know why it's been so difficult, I guess I'm a little bit nervous. A huge process is about to begin and that process is going to consume me. To put it simply, here it is, how it is... 


And now, the details. I'm applying with an Organisation called Au Pair in America. I've started my application but it won't go live until I've had my interview back home. I thankfully fill all of the requirements, thanks to my time in South Africa. You need two hundred hours of child care experience, I have over two thousand. Here's the basics of Au Pair in America and what it's all about...

I'll be living with an american family in one of thirty available states. They will be my "host family" throughout the year. My duties will involve taking care of their children for up to 40 hours and five days a week. In return, I'll receive up to $250 a week and a total of $500 to study at a local college or university. Studying is part of the J-1 visa requirements. I'll probably take a creative writing or language course. 

Au Pair in America charge an all inclusive fee of around £399. I'm going to work my ass off in Scotland to raise that money. It can't be too difficult after raising £5400 for Project Trust. I'm thinking Buchanan Street Busking with my Djembe.

I'm simply making the most of opportunities available to me. It really is possible to see the world without owning a fortune. I don't need much spending money as I'll be earning within the first month. Au Pair in America is a popular organisation, the sister company to Camp America. I attended an APIA information session before I left for South Africa. 

As soon as I'm home I can finish my application and attend my interview. Hopefully I'll be accepted onto the program so I can begin the matching process. They say choosing the right family is more important than their location. I don't mind where I go but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my eye on a few states. Louisiana, California, Nevada...Not to mention that the likes of Hawaii and New York are available.

I'm very curious about the USA. Like South Africa, it's a very diverse country. The politics and cultures are fascinating and will help me on my road to journalism. America is the next adventure for me. I've clearly caught the travel bug. Like my time in South Africa, the idea is to be immersed in another culture. I'll be living my year like an american citizen. I think it will be fascinating, to work with wealthy American Children after working in an African Children's Home. The mere thought of it is mind consuming.

How could I forget...

I'll be using my every free second to travel the states!

I mentioned APIA to my family before I left for South Africa. At the time they were most likely thinking it's just a phase. Unfortunately however...  they were also thinking my dreams of South Africa were just a phase! Going to the states is a lot more flexible. I'll be able to come home for holidays and I'll be getting paid.  After living on the equivalent of twelve pounds a week, i'm sure over one hundred and fifty will suffice.

The most important piece of information I can share with you is this... spending time in the USA will fund my return to South Africa...


  1. Wow...I did BUNAC when I was 21 in Pennsylvania then travelled. San Francisco being my fave. And the slow hippy vibe of Santa Fe, oh and Boston for naval European feel. Hope the matching process works and deffo go under 7 years old!!!!! Xxx good luck Jasmine

  2. Wow, Pennsylvania! I'd love to go to San Francisco, I have a friend interesting in Au Pairing there. Thank you so much, I'll keep you up dated through my blog! xx

  3. 18 Millions de personnes qui ne peuvent subsister que grâce à l'action caritative des ONG, 46 Millions de personnes sous le seuil de pauvreté, 40 millions d'enfants en état de sous nutrition (1 seul repas par jour), 20 000 milliards de $ de dette ... (Ça fait envie à quelqu'un ???)
