Monday 8 September 2014

Off with his head...

For the past week or so, Largs has been alive with the annual Viking festival. It's very exciting, an entire section of the shore-front turns into a viking village and the rest of the space is filled with hand-made crafts, worldly foods and fairground rides. One minute someones shouting "Hairy Beast Burger, Canny Beat it!" and the next minute it's "Get yourself a German Sausage!"

Down to the history: the Vikings came from Norway. The Scots didn't like it. At All. They fought it out like the big hairy men that they were. Scotland defeated the Vikings but lost a lot of men in the battle. After their success, they shot firing arrows into the egg-shell ships that were left behind the egg-shell vikings. There was an reenactment of the battle last night, it was very exciting and I think battle reenactments should become a Scottish Sport. It was great to see little kids on top of their parents shoulders screaming "Chop his bloody head off!"

After the battle, we were treated to a show of fire dancers and fire breathers. Talent. One guy singed his Viking beard but swiftly swatted it out. The Scot's got out their bows and arrows and we watched them shoot firing arrows into a Viking Ship, built with a purpose of being destroyed during this festival. The first woman to let an arrow fly set the ship alight, it was very impressive.

Next came the fireworks. They were incredible! I hadn't seen fireworks all year in South Africa so it was a nice treat.

Moving on, I GOT A JOB AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I went for an interview on Friday and left with a job. I passed the assessment with 59/60 and sold my mock item for 50,000 with a stake of 60% to a mock audience, it was a Dragons Den experiment to see how good your selling skills are. So my new job is with Stellar on behalf on Vanquis bank and I start on Monday. I can't wait. I now have something to keep me busy as well as the cash to pass my driving test and save for America.

I went to the shore to play my Djembe. I miss my drum circle so much. Mum messed around with her Poi's. No one told me to be quiet, that's always a bonus.

Drumming on the shore
Festival Fireworks at the Pencil
Viking Rage
Mum and her Poi's
Drum Drum Drum
Fire Breathers at the Festival

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