Sunday 24 June 2012

Fundraising has officially started....

25- 06 - 12
Wow, my first fundraising event has been organised! Me and a group of my friends are doing a sponsored fourteen mile walk. I am hoping there will be a decent turn out and it will be a worthwhile event! I've asked them to dress up, to make it as silly and fun as it can be. I've created my leaflet now too, I'm very pleased with it! I ALSO called up Asda to ask about bag packing, I've to send in a cover letter and my leaflet! I'm very pleased that things are going well. I have my first donation on Virgin Money Giving.

Today I got a phone call from my local newspaper, they would like to do an article on me! I am so happy with this. It will be released on the 4th of July - The Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald!! :D

Today was my car boot sale! I raised a total of £33 from selling things (but I'm happy with that - it was basically empty because everyone thought it was going to rain!) I also received a wonderful donation from Joseph Mullen, a friend from 3TFM Radio Station! So all together today i raised £133, boosting my total to £153... getting there.... only another....£5000? ha ha. Oh well. :)
TOTAL £153
Okay so the article in my local news paper was released today. "From Three Towns to South America". No, no, no no! I am going to South AFRICA. Oh well, other than that huge mistake and the terrible photograph, I am pleased with it. I booked my next car boot sale today for the 14th July, it is on the same day as the local "gala" so hopefully it will be busier than the last one! I need to send off my final Deposit and acceptance, but I have lost my bank card.. more on that later! I received another sponsor on my Virgin Money Giving...from my dog Doughnut...! I'm hoping this means that once a month i'll receive a sponsor from a pet, how clever of them. (I have 9 pets if you include the fish and chickens :P) I sent off my acceptance today, now I'm just waiting on my fundraising pack! (came now)

Today was horrible, amazing and painfully good. Me and my very helpful friends (Mum, Jasmine, Natasha, Mandy, Sophie, Luke, Mark, Jillian, Euan, Caleb, Daniel, Rachel, Matthew) walked an exhausting FOURTEEN MILE WALK from Ardrossan South Beach to Largs. Of course, it really was dreadful and everyone hates me now. On the bright side of things, it raised £205.50! Brilliant. I'm so grateful to everyone that helped, thank you so much! Especially to those like Sophie, who had three broken toes but kept marching on, Mandy who almost gave up but continued at the mere thought of ice-cream, Jasmine who basically crawled the last mile, Natasha who raised £65 herself, my mum who has been whining about sore feet for weeks... We did stop about five times to show each other blisters and eat biscuits, but other than that, it really was terrible. So terrible. I can't get over how terrible it was. Those last few minutes when we were so close to Largs town, yet so, so far away...At the end of it awaited the luxury of Nardini's ice cream, to be honest I think that's what kept everyone going! It was a beautiful day too, which added to it being so terrible. SUN BURN AND HEAT STROKE AND EXHAUSTION AND SWEAT + FOURTEEN MILES OF PURE TORTURE. (it was nice really). Anyway, it was brilliant when we finally got on the train home, the lovely ticket lady took one look at our pouting faces and gave us a free ride, the taxi driver donated our fiver fare to us, so we had completely free travel home! Safe to say I won't be out of my bed all day tomorrow, but on Saturday I have my next car boot!
Close to the beginning (walk to Largs - 14 miles)

Today I raised £35.70 from a car boot sale at St Andrews Church. The weather was great and there was a nice atmosphere, but it wasnt very busy! boo. I will try to fit in a car boot sale atleast twice a month, it doesnt loose any money and I just need to keep taking the same stuff until it all sells! (please!) I mainly sell my own books, dvds and accessories like bags and clothes but people have been donating things for me to sell, like ornaments and china! (Which is good because most customers are older.)

I've realised that if I continue to post as often as I do i'll probably run out of internet ink. SO, i'll calm down. NOT YET. Today was Positive > Negative. First, I got a call from Tesco in Irvine to let me know that they DO NOT support charities unless they are local (Even though the Tesco in Ardrossan say otherwise so I'm not sure what to think, it can't be a Tesco thing) This morning I also had a little meeting with an Avon lady, it ended in me being an Avon lady. hmm. If I make profit, i'll stick to it because I do need extra money on the side of all of this crazy fundraising! I have a cheque of £305 ready to send of to Project Trust, I believe my total is now £620 including deposits, not bad I hope! Tonight I booked my next car-boot sale (my favourite fundraising event just has to be the one that is successful if it makes more than £2.50) Anyway, it's on the 28th July (: I also got a phonecall from St.Marys Church, I have a date booked (for hall + bar hire) ! It might change depending on whether the DJ can make that night or not but for the moment... 22nd December! - let's hope everyones in the Christmas drunken spirit! Hopefully i'll squeeze in kareoke, a quiz and a raffle :) That will be all and I promise not to write for a while...
TOTAL £620

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