Friday 22 June 2012

"You have been selected to serve abroad......"

It's been less than a week since I got back from selection. Since the day I was back I have been watching the postman like a Hawk. I have been so nervous and frustrated waiting for this letter! I think everyone has. We have a Facebook group for everyone that was on our selection course, so it's great to hear about everyone being selected and who is going where!
So the first thing I seen when I opened the letter..."We are delighted to be able to tell you that you have been selected to serve abroad as a Project Trust volunteer." 
And the first thought's that went through my head? OMG.
I am so pleased that I have been selected, I'm so excited! I want to get into fundraising right away but my fundraising pack doesn't come for another 2 weeks! I have made my Virgin Money Giving Fundraising page. It's a start, and I already have my first donation!

I also got my first country choice, South Africa here I come! If anything goes wrong with South Africa, I will go to Namibia. If anything goes wrong with Namibia, I will go to Malawi. Perfect!!

Now I know that I'll get to return to Coll! For Training!

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