Saturday 1 December 2012

Time since selection has flown by...

“You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give.” - Winston Churchill

Last Christmas feels like last week and my Selection Course feels like yesterday: Last Christmas was 12 months ago and my selection course was 6 months ago. IT'S CRAZY! I can't believe how fast this year has gone, it's flown by in a breath! Things are back on track, college is going great and i'm looking forward to some Christmas Fairs for some fundraising.
 I went to the Library today to check up on the The Directory of Grant Making Trusts. I have been trying to get it for more than 2 months now and thought I had finally succeeded  when they told me they would order a brand new one for me. I WAS WRONG. They couldn't help me at all today, they simply said there are none and that they can't order me a new one. So no Directory of Grant Making Trusts for me! I'm going to let Project Trust know and see if there is anything else I can do, I don't fancy paying more than £100 to buy it! If you would like to buy me it as a donation, let me know! (hehe) I have raised £1250 from trusts I have found online, but I would really like the book.
 More news from the land of fundraising, I am entering a Poetry Competition! HAHA. I do love writing poems and have entered a couple of competitions before, one even got my poem published! It was about my bunny Ozzy and how peculiar he is. I was about 9.
 This one is a local competition and the Poem needs to have a connection to Ardrossan. I have decided to write about an Old Man that I passed every single day all through Primary and Secondary school, while I was walking home. I'm sure it will bring a tear to the eye and I will upload it here when I am done.
 You are probably thinking, "what the hell does poetry have to do with fundraising?!" I'll tell you. A £1000 cash prize! wooooooooooo. I'm not sure how many people would enter a poetry competition for the small town of Ardrossan so It is definitely worth a try.
 More news, I called up a center about two weeks ago that are having a Christmas fair on Thursday. They told me they would call me back the next day. They didn't. I called up today so see if I still have a stall and they said "oh, sorry we have none left, you are too late" Frustrating. It looks like I won't have any Christmas fundraising events, which I'm quite upset about. I'm going to ask if I can have a cake/card stall in college, hopefully that will happen.
 I have just recieved my earnings from The Dressing Rooms' total sales on the evening of my fashion show: £20. I am very pleased with this as my total is now over £3700! However I did realise that the dressing room made a total of £200... where I only made £135... at MY fashion show! oh well! I don't have much other news, I suppose it has only been three days since I last posted!
 I might be going to Edinburgh on the 15th to meet Peyton, from my selection course! I really hope I can go and If I do i'll have a stall at her Christmas Fair. 19 days to Christmas woooo.
TOTAL £3705
Hello, could anyone reading my blog please like my Facebook fundraising page too :) Need as much awareness as possible of course!

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