Wednesday 12 December 2012

Snow is falling...

NOT REALLY :P There hasn't yet been a drop of snow in Ardrossan, hopefully there will be soon though! I don't really have much to say, but I couldn't miss posting a blog on the 12-12-12! My aunt who works in a salon has given me lots of fantastic things to sell at my next car boot sale... curlers, hairdryers, products, grooming kits...loads and all in fantastic condition! So If you happen to be looking for anything, let me know. I have managed to find and apply to a few more trusts in the past days, so I hope that brings in some more pennies :) I can't believe I have had £1250 from Charitable Trusts, the generosity! In non-fundraising related news, I have a Geek Chic Photo shoot at college tomorrow...can't wait!
Today I got a very generous donation of £20 from Roy, a classmate! I appreciate it so much, for someone I have only just met to donate!
TOTAL £3725
Today I opened fundraising tin #2. It has been in my dads house for several months. There was £30 in it, same as last time! amazing how you can raise money from something you don't even notice, just chuck pennies in now and then. Definitely getting another one!
TOTAL £3755
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you have all had a fantastic day, I have! Can't help but wonder what this time next year will be like. Very excited that it will soon be 2013 and the year of my departure! Have a good one! xx


Live blog! I am currently on route to Glasgow for a Project Trust coffee morning... afternoon? Unfortunately my parents are both working today so neither could come along. However in place of my parents I Brother! And with the Brother comes the Brother's friend and vehicle. Oh goodness. I'm not too sure what to expect because I have no parents with me, but I think it will just be informal conversations about our year overseas. I will report back later but for now I leave you with exactly how I feel in this car! (above)
Several Hours Later
The coffee (hot chocolate) morning (afternoon) was great! It was a bit tricky finding the coffee shop and once I got there I awkwardly hovered about for 20 minutes before plucking up the courage to say HI I'M JASMINE. After I had settled in, my brother bought me a huge hot chocolate (with my money) and shortly left. Best hot chocolate ever, i'm not a coffee person. I met some lovely girls, one is a 8 month volunteer leaving for Namibia in January and the other leaves when I do but for Chile! A member of staff was there as well as 2 returned Guyana volunteers and other volunteers departing when I do. It was very informal, a nice way to swap fundraising ideas, excitement and stories. P.s I got a train home, no need to worry about making it home alive in THAT car in the dark.

 I have a couple of updates where charitable trusts are concerned. I had an email reply from a trust today informing me that they are arranging an interview! This is fantastic however they require all Project Details before the interview (May) unfortunately May is when I receive my Project Details! So I only hope that I receive them before the interview takes place.
 I have also today sent a letter out to another Trust, this one was recommended by Project Trust. After difficulty in finding a mentor (it is the Christmas holidays - no college lecturers) I have finally decided to use my older brother. No where does it say that family members cannot be a monitor. It is not like a reference, just someone to vouch that you will raise the funds and are embarking on a safe project.
 So wish me luck with both of these Trusts!

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