Tuesday 1 January 2013

2013, A Happy New Year...

For those of you who are new visitors, you can find a list of dated posts to the left. I leave for South Africa this August for a year of voluntarily teaching and caring for children. I will be a representative of the Scottish Charity Project Trust. It is the opportunity of a lifetime and I can't wait. Read my blog to follow my selection process and fundraising!

How strange it is to write that! I remember 2012 like it was yesterday - ha ha - Happy New Year everyone, I hope you had a fantastic night without ending up face down on the pavement! I spent the evening watching Hootenanny and eating cocktail sausages with my mum, very exciting. I also got an idea from someone else to use leftover Pringle tubes as a way to save pennies.

So with a "New Year" comes "New Year Resolutions". Oh, you know, those promises people make to themselves and then break over desperation for a greasy pie or a lonely cigarette? (I don't smoke so I will never understand) Well I  make the same one's every year. Every. Single. Year. Keep my room tidy at all times. Stop eating crap. Then comes that rant where I can't find the missing pen and destroy my room in doing so. Then comes the Pringles left over from the night before. So I'm not very good at them.

However, this year is different. I have something to look forward to, a target. SO... I have made some "New Year Resolutions!" #1 Raise remaining £1700 #2 Raise extra money for necessities #3 Keep my room nice and shiny #4 Get in shape for South Africa #5 Eat Healthier #6 Be more precise with college work #7 Find a positive side to everything #8 Research into South Africa and try to learn some Afrikaans!

Well, I'll let you know how those go... 

I'm so excited that I can officially say "I am going to South Africa this year" "THIS YEAR." I didn't expect South Africa to feel 10x closer after saying "This Year". It's an amazing feeling. Speaking of feelings, I have a feeling the next eight months will fly by, just like the last year has. Eight teeny weeny months away. I spoke with Iona tonight, a girl I met at the Project Trust coffee morning. It seems that we are just as excited as each other, which is great because I thought I was the only crazy one! Iona is going to Chile and we hope to keep in contact while we are overseas. 

Hopefully there will be more news of fundraising soon. I have several events lined up for 2013. My brother has promised me a £100 donation this month!  I look forward to receiving it! Especially since it's in exchange for making him a cheese toasty several weeks ago. That's my brother in a nut shell.

TOTAL £3750

05/01/12 13
Just a few updates. Fundraising tin #3 at my grans house was finally full! It contained a fantastic £20. I also received a £20 and a £10 donation. Over the holidays I have had no fundraising events yet have managed to raise £80! brilliant.

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