Friday 25 January 2013

Training Dates...

The 2013 Training Dates  have been released! I have been checking the Project Trust website daily and they finally appeared on Wednesday 23rd. Click HERE to see a list of all Training Dates!

Training is a 5 day residential course held on the beautiful Isle of Coll - where I had my Selection Course in June 2012 and more importantly, where everything began. The difference between Selection and Training is that you spend the entire Training course living in the Project Trust building. On Selection we were split into small groups and lived the 4 nights in a local residents home. It was a fantastic way to experience something different, we were truly thrown in at the deep end to see how we would cope!

I've been told that training is also a lot more intense than selection, there will be a lot of information to squeeze into those five days. The thing I look most forward to however is meeting my Project Partner and the people I will be spending my year with! I can't wait to get back to Oban and back to Coll.

A beautiful view from our bedroom, selection course on Coll.

My South Africa training week runs alongside the Malaysia and Hong Kong Volunteers' training too! And the big news, my training dates are 15th-19th July!!! The steps in between are of course fundraising (which I am loving), attending a parents meeting, finding out all about my Project and preparing myself for my year overseas! Speaking of, I have been cooking dinner almost every night. I hope I am at a Project where myself and my partner cook for ourselves, I love cooking! I have finally got around to renewing my passport! I sold a donating Ipod Touch for £90 and will be sending off my application this week. P.s I have decided to lighten up every post up with at least one picture.

TOTAL £3815

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