Tuesday 8 January 2013

Bargains, Boulders and Bridges...


Project Trust have reminded us that we do not need to splash out on a wardrobe... well rucksack full of brand new clothes. They reckon that most of the clothes we already own should be fine. Well, I'm a student, therefor I am skint. I haven't had new clothes in a long time so new clothes for Africa is necessary. 

Fashion is bizarre, Christmas is just over and already our shelves are filled with summer hats and skimpy bikinis. The positive side of this? Shops need to get rid of last years summer stock. I have taken advantage of this and bought some lovely clothes today, they are now being put away for South Africa!

It might seem early to some but I have saved so, so much money! I now have two dresses and two new skirts. These garments should have come to a total of £120 (yes that's crazy for four things, I would never have paid that!) But instead they cost me £32! My skirts were only £1 each, amazing. I now have less money to worry about when it comes to Africa shopping. Get down to M&Co ;) 
My next fundraising event is on! I will be climbing Goat Fell - Arran - with several of my friends. Although we will be walking up a rather steep mountain, It can't possibly be any worse than my sponsored walk! For those of you who have not yet read about my sponsored walk, here is an insight:

The hottest day of the year. We have run out of food. Where is the water? Someone has finished the water. Look at my blisters, do you see my Blisters? She's broken her toe, what will we do? Just keep going, think of the ice cream. Three broken toes, but that's okay. Let's take the long route, good idea. Are we there yet? Are we hell. 4 more miles, make that 9. 12 all together? I meant 15. I have a sore head, get in line. Do we have paracetamol? No, we don't. Let's sit by the road, people stare. Take my bucket, are we nearly there? No, we are not. Let's keep going. Take off our shoes, the pavements too warm. Crawl? No, people will laugh. Run, no, that's not fun. Finally there, skin burnt raw. Free ride home, can't complain. So tired, can barely talk. £400? Worth the walk.

Goat  Fell is a challenge, but it can't possibly be as challenging as the walk from Ardrossan - Largs. Rivers, boulders, rain and midges can't stop us! I have created sponsor sheets for each of my friends and the event will be February 23rd. I'm really looking forward to it, it's fun to know you have achieved something whilst raising money at the same time! There will be a £50 cash prize for the person who can raise most money, this is to encourage people to help out, not to mention an award for the good effort!

Click Here for a link to the event's Facebook page, Or, click Here to donate online!
I am officially half way through my waiting time! It has been 7 months since my Selection Course and it is now 7 months until I leave. I have realized that my use of "!" has dangerously increased over time. I can't hold in the excitement!

TOTAL : £3805

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