Wednesday 30 January 2013

Goodbye January...

Now that January is coming to an end, I think it's time to sum it up! So here goes...

Lonely, I'm Mr Lonely, I have nobody.

That empty, dark and cold room above is an accurate summary of January 2013. Really, nothing has happened! I should have arranged a bake sale at college, heard back from a Charitable Trust and attended a car boot sale, but I didn't! After numerous phone calls, I couldn't get a hold of the people in charge of the car boot sale. I also should have heard back from a certain charitable trust, but have not yet. They promised - so I hope to hear back soon! I'm afraid I don't have an excuse for the bake sale...I'll sort that tomorrow! (promise) January wasn't such a waste of time however and I shouldn't be mean...I have earned £30 through doing nothing! My Uncle John donated £20 and my friend Ruth donated £10! I'm also due a £100 donation from my Brother... any day now he says...

Ruth and me, thanks Ruthyness.

Fundraising flew by between July and December, leaving me out of breath with £3800 to prove it. Perhaps a lazy January was necessary to relax and get things in order...but now it's time to get the ball rolling again! I'll give myself a personal target of raising at least £150 before March 1st. Hopefully, with a Sponsored Climb on the 23rd and a bake sale at college, I'll make more than that! 

And here is me during the fundraising uprising...

February is the new January. It's definitely a fresh start, I'm on track with college and have paid off the unwanted Avon bill that working with them resulted in. I also have my passport application ready to send off, horray! Oh and I have a date for my Africa themed photo shoot at college, Wednesday 6th! Hopefully it goes well...if it doesn't I'll pretend I never mentioned it :D Project Trust just had "Africa Week" and there were loads of stories/poems/photo's going up on their Project Trust Facebook page, it was great!

Hope you all had a wonderful January and are enjoying my new Photos-to-lighten-the-blog-Idea...if there is in fact anyone who reads my blog! WOO, just went to check my Virgin Money Giving and I have a £50 donation from my Uncle Ian, amazing! People are so generous! Click HERE to donate! February come at me...

TOTAL £3865


As you can see, I kept up to my promise! I officially have an upcoming Cake Sale at college! Wednesday 13th, Reid Kerr College, 10am-2pm and outside the main canteen! I will be selling all sorts of cakes and biscuits, valentines goodies, handmade cards and I will even hold a raffle to win a massive box of chocolates...Last year my class had to hold a cake sale and my table alone raised £80! I'm looking forward to it (: P.s, I had a feeling most people would look up Project Trust, realize they are too old and not buy a cake (sad world) ...hence "and other companies."

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