Monday 27 May 2013

It never ends...

It's my Birthday! I am now nineteen, an age most seem to dismiss as boring and uneventful. However, it will be quite the opposite for me as I embark on my African adventure in a mere three months! The excitement never ends.

So on Saturday 25th May I climbed Goat Fell. Again, you are probably thinking why on earth would I willingly climb Goat Fell after finally completing the torture of raising £5400. Well unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that haven't been following my blog, there are excess costs. Such as? Visa, x-ray, disclosure form, injections, flight to London, travel to Oban, Oban accommodation, spending money (recommended £1000) etc.

On top of Goat Fell, success!

On top of Goat Fell, lovely day!

My family sponsored me to climb Goat Fell and raised a whopping £370 towards my excess costs/spending money! I am very grateful that they took the time and effort to help, even though the money wasn't directly for Project Trust. I now have a grand total of £935 spending money. I feel so lucky and can't thank everyone enough that contributed towards my fundraising!

Fundraising complete: £5445

Thursday 16 May 2013



Well it's been a long time coming but my placement details arrived today! Finally! And I really couldn't be happier. I have been bouncing of the walls and squealing like an idiot all day.

I have been placed in Durbanville Children's Home, CAPE TOWN! Incredible. I know I originally asked for the whole rural, living in a mud hut, feeding on crops kind of thing but I am over the moon. Durbanville is still classed as rural, but it's beyond me how you can say that when Cape Town is a 25 minute drive away. At least I know I could never be bored, eh?! I'm pretty sure I could get used to rolling hills and a view of the stunning table mountain every day. 

To get you educated on the children's home, here is what they say: 

"We can make all make a difference in the lives of traumatized children. Many children are neglected and in great danger due to poverty, crime, violence, drug abuse and the general disintegration of moral values and family life in many South Africa communities. Durbanville Children's Home provides a safe haven for these children in order to protect them from physical and emotional abuse." 

My main duties will include working with children that have behavioral difficulties and helping out with homework clubs. Hopefully I will be able to start some art/drama clubs for fun! I should also be able to set up a secondary project in a poorer area. I will occasionally work night shifts too, that sounds quite tough but I'm sure I will get used to it! I will be living in a flat within the compound with about 3 other Project Trust partners that I can't wait to meet on training! We will have to cook and clean for ourselfs: sounds great fun! Oh, and a bonus, we have a pool.

Stunning Cape Town

How close we are!

One of the most exciting things was to find out my flight date...22nd August! It hasn't been confirmed yet but it's very likely. I will be returning to sunny Scotland on 15th August 2014, woow. 99 days to go.

It's not all sparkles and sunshine however, there is a lot of paper work! Before the 15th June I must have had a TB injection, Yellow Fever and a Chest X-ray. These are all part of the very rigorous visa application. I also need to have my doctor tick some boxes to say I'm all good to go.

Included in the email was fifteen attachments of information. Yes, 15! I must say, one I was most excited about was the "Clothing and Equipment List" but come on...two pairs of pajamas for a full year?! I'm sure I will manage ;).

Unfortunately I can't really find any pictures of the children's home itself. You will just need to wait a couple of months! I really am so happy and can't wait to spend my year in Durbanville.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Money and Mourning...

I'm very sad. The Email regarding our placement details has been postponed once again. At first it was pure excitement and anticipation but after nearly three weeks of thinking "it's definitely coming tomorrow" I feel empty! It won't be here until next week. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. Of course, I do understand completely, it's a difficult process for Project Trust: deciding the fates of so many volunteers! 

I have a car boot sale on Saturday. I know what your thinking. Why on earth would I willingly attend a car boot sale once I have already finished fundraising? Spending money! If you haven't been following my blog - go back to the beginning and start now. Only joking...

If you haven't been reading my blog, I need to raise an extra £1000 on top of the £5400 already raised for Project Trust. The grand however is for me, for spending money. If like me you don't have any savings to dip into, it's quite difficult to make a grand in a limited amount of time! We are not aloud to raise it in the name of the charity. I don't have a job, making the task even more impossible. So you might be surprised to hear I have already saved £500! This has come purely from car boot sales and my student bursary (cheap student here.) I am positive that I will reach the £1000. My family are sponsoring me to climb Goat Fell this month. I think it's a great idea because they know the money is to cover personal costs whilst i'm overseas...and they want to see me attempt a mountain.

Sorry if my blog is a little boring recently... I have pictures to add. Until next time!

Unfortunately the car boot sale was cancelled but i'm sure there will be many more.

Tuesday 7 May 2013


I really can't believe how fast time flies. The last time I heard "May the Fourth be with you" was a whole year ago, it feels like only weeks. This time last year I was booking onto my selection course! In no time I'll be on my training course and then I'll be sitting on a plane, South Africa bound, with nothing but a rucksack and an open mind.

I have a few obstacles before training, including a trip to Devon and a trip to Birmingham for Insurgence 5 - The Vampire Diaries Convention. My trip to Birmingham is almost like a test run for South Africa, I'll be flying alone and staying in a hotel alone for four nights...that calls for independence! Oh and my birthday! 27th May.

Just in case you're a fan, I get to meet these guys!

This morning I had my second Hep B injection. I haven't been looking forward to this one as the first one hell! So far i'm fine so let's hope it stays that way. I am now only aware of one more injection, Hep B no.3 on June 4th. However, I'm sure Project Trust will tell me to get Yellow Fever once my placement details arrive.