Wednesday 8 May 2013

Money and Mourning...

I'm very sad. The Email regarding our placement details has been postponed once again. At first it was pure excitement and anticipation but after nearly three weeks of thinking "it's definitely coming tomorrow" I feel empty! It won't be here until next week. I am trying not to get my hopes up though. Of course, I do understand completely, it's a difficult process for Project Trust: deciding the fates of so many volunteers! 

I have a car boot sale on Saturday. I know what your thinking. Why on earth would I willingly attend a car boot sale once I have already finished fundraising? Spending money! If you haven't been following my blog - go back to the beginning and start now. Only joking...

If you haven't been reading my blog, I need to raise an extra £1000 on top of the £5400 already raised for Project Trust. The grand however is for me, for spending money. If like me you don't have any savings to dip into, it's quite difficult to make a grand in a limited amount of time! We are not aloud to raise it in the name of the charity. I don't have a job, making the task even more impossible. So you might be surprised to hear I have already saved £500! This has come purely from car boot sales and my student bursary (cheap student here.) I am positive that I will reach the £1000. My family are sponsoring me to climb Goat Fell this month. I think it's a great idea because they know the money is to cover personal costs whilst i'm overseas...and they want to see me attempt a mountain.

Sorry if my blog is a little boring recently... I have pictures to add. Until next time!

Unfortunately the car boot sale was cancelled but i'm sure there will be many more.

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