Tuesday 7 May 2013


I really can't believe how fast time flies. The last time I heard "May the Fourth be with you" was a whole year ago, it feels like only weeks. This time last year I was booking onto my selection course! In no time I'll be on my training course and then I'll be sitting on a plane, South Africa bound, with nothing but a rucksack and an open mind.

I have a few obstacles before training, including a trip to Devon and a trip to Birmingham for Insurgence 5 - The Vampire Diaries Convention. My trip to Birmingham is almost like a test run for South Africa, I'll be flying alone and staying in a hotel alone for four nights...that calls for independence! Oh and my birthday! 27th May.

Just in case you're a fan, I get to meet these guys!

This morning I had my second Hep B injection. I haven't been looking forward to this one as the first one hurt...like hell! So far i'm fine so let's hope it stays that way. I am now only aware of one more injection, Hep B no.3 on June 4th. However, I'm sure Project Trust will tell me to get Yellow Fever once my placement details arrive.

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