Monday 29 April 2013

Nearly done

Today I had my third and final Rabies injection in my right arm and my one and only Hep A/ Typhoid in my left arm. I still feel fine so no side effects. I'm back on Tuesday the 7th for more.

I am DESPERATELY waiting for the post man. Everyone has a feeling that today is the day! I really hope my placement letter comes, I'm too excited to wait much longer.

It's May 1st and there is still no letter in sight. However I did receive the following email. I'm glad I finally know what's happening but I do wish we got a paper copy of project details, it would be nice to have something to keep. Knowing that the email could come any time, any day within two weeks is both exciting and a little frustrating, I want to know what day so I can contain my excitement!

It would be appreciated if you could take your time to check out the following website. Running 850 miles in hope of raising an incredible 10,000 for the British Heart Foundation is admirable. Click HERE for the website. Click HERE to donate.

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