Friday 12 April 2013



Tonight's Bingo has pushed me over my target of £5400. I am so proud to have finished my fundraising and even more so that I have raised a little extra for Project Trust! After 10 months of fundraising, I'm sure I will miss it! 

Events associated with both Project Trust and money don't end there. I will be doing some serious car booting right up until the moment I leave, to help raise money towards my £1000 spending amount! I may also need to raise some money towards the cost of my visa, but I'm unsure on the details of that.

I have my next two injections on Monday 15th. This time it's for Rabies #2 and Revaxis. Let's hope they are painless! In more exciting news - my project details will be here within 3 weeks!

TOTAL : 5445.72

Here are some photo's from my Bingo Night!



packing up at the end

buy buy buy

my leaflet

cup of tea to keep everyone happy

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