Sunday 21 April 2013

Fundraising Overview

I have decided to do a little summary of the past ten months. Life has been so hectic since my selection course, fundraising has been my life for almost a year! Here is a breakdown of how I managed to raise £5445 for Project Trust.

Return from selection on 15th. I raise £33 at a car boot sale and receive a generous £100 from the local radio station.
With help from my friends I raise £480 from a 15 mile sponsored walk. £20 donation. £64 from a car boot sale.
£63 from two car boot sales. £30 from spare change tin. £3.50 donation.
£90 from three car boot sales. I won a plasma TV and sold it for £90. £300 cheque from charitable trust. £100 cheque from charitable trust. 
£37 from car boot sale. £100 cheque from charitable trust. £500 cheque from charitable trust. £250 cheque from charitable trust. £650 donation from Barony St Johns after giving a presentation.
£135 from Fashion Show. Raised £20 at car boot sale.
Quiet month. £50 from two spare change tins. £30 donation.
Quiet month. £70 worth of donations.
£55 from college cake sale. £800 cheque from charitable trust.
£100 donation. £30 from car boot sale.
£483.91 from Sainsburys bag pack. £30 donation. £190 raised from Bingo. 

Fundraising Complete.

Reflecting on that... October, February and April have been the best months for fundraising. I am so thankful to everyone that has helped me, whether through a donation, attending an event or helping to organize one. I've never achieved something as big as this before... it feels good!

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