Tuesday 16 April 2013

Inoculations and Celebrations...


Yesterday - 15th April - I had my second lot of injections. I had Rabies no.2 in my right arm and Revaxis in my left arm. Revaxis is a 3 in 1 injection, containing Tetanus, Diphtheria and Typhoid. My appointment was at 8.30am so I was very relieved to find no pain during the day. Thankfully, there has been no side effects this time, only little bruises on each arm! I have another appointment in two weeks time for another two injections. I'm unsure, but think it will be my final rabies and my second Hepatitis B...that's the painful one.

Waiting for my Project Details to arrive is becoming unbearable. For 10 months now I have questioned where I will be going, what I will be doing, how I will eat, sleep, work, travel! Knowing that they could fall through the door any day now is so exciting. Unfortunately, our puppy is still at the stage of, steal, chew, destroy. I have to barricade the door so he can't get to the mail! 

I also can't wait to find out who my partner is. Now that training is approaching -15-19th July - I can't stop thinking about everything!

I still can't believe I have finished fundraising. The last of the money was sent to Project Trust yesterday...they now have everything! I also have £430 for my spending money so far. I'm hoping to have about £1500 altogether. 

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