Monday 1 April 2013

Plea for help...

HAPPY APRIL & HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY. I've been fooled numerous times, the worst hit was hearing Jennifer Lawrence would be replaced in Catching Fire. I wasn't so fooled by Google's new "come closer and smell" idea. 

So my long awaited Sainsbury's bag pack is on Saturday. I still need 9 people to come and help out! Please contact me if you can make it.

Today I got my first Hepatitis B jag in my Left arm and my first Rabies jag in my Right arm. Aoooch. Back next week for another two!

For documentation reasons, I would like to mention that my left arm is in agony. Both arms were absolutely fine yesterday, it wasn't until I started boasting that fact that the pain started spreading. It's horrible aches and pains from my finger tips to my shoulder, all up and down my left arm. Hepatitis B, painful. Rabies, like a breeze. Thankfully, I don't have Hep B for another few weeks. On Tuesday 11th April I have my second Rabies and my Revaxis.

Sorry for repeating myself, but...Sainsburys bag pack on Saturday! I now have 7 definite volunteers: Laura, Amy, Jo, Daniel, Megan, Harry, Me. Hopefully they will all make it (I will of course) and we will raise lots of penny's. I'm also hoping that some of them will bring along an extra friend. That way we will fill up all 10 tills. I am going to estimate that we raise precisely £384.93. 

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