Sunday 9 June 2013

Car Boots and Paranoia...

Saturdays car boot sale went well. I raised a total of £27. It may not seem like much but that almost covers the cost of my Yellow Fever injection, which is £31!  It was a beautiful day and I have sun burn to prove it. On tuesday I have my Yellow Fever and my medical examination.

I had my Chest X-ray - a visa requirement - on Friday. It was an interesting experience. I had to remove all clothing from the top half of my body and put an open-back gown on. To make me feel even worse, the woman in charge opened the door while I was still getting changed, with no warning. As I entered the x-ray room, the first thing she said was "you paid yet?" in a snappy tone. Way to prove its all about the money.

The actual x-ray was simple enough - stand with your chest against the metal plate, arms back, hold your breath. It was over in seconds and before I knew it I was putting my clothes back on.

I then headed to reception to pay the £55 fee. I hope the nurse noticed me cringe as I handed over the money. After a little wait, I was issued with my report. Easy as that. And thankfully, I don't have TB, a heart condition or any other life threatening disease. The report simply said: No enlarged heart. Unremarkable lungs. No focal lung abnormality to note...

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