Saturday 1 June 2013

It's June...again?

Firstly, I can't believe it's June already. I say that every month but it's true, I'm sure any other volunteer would agree that time flies faster in a Project Trust world! Almost a whole year has past since my Selection Course. I guess fundraising has had me busy for almost ten months straight... there is now only 82 teensy weensy days until I leave! I'm getting more excited everyday, everything is becoming very real. Especially since I received a rucksack and mosquito net for my exciting!? 

So here's an idea of what's happening this month, it's going to be a busy one:

2nd: Post passport, birth certificate, signed photo's and visa application to Project Trust.

4th: Injection number 8, my third and final Hepatitis B.

5th: Medical Examination for Visa Application. Will lead to my chest x-ray too.

8th: Phone Project Trust and pay £35 Visa Cost. Car Boot Sale to raise spending money.

9th: Father's Day!

11th: Final injection for South Africa - Yellow Fever.

12th: Brother's 21st Birthday. Gran's 81st Birthday.

13th: I leave for Birmingham Trip and return on the 17th.

15th: Deadline for all visa documents.

So much to do, so little time.

Click HERE to see my South Africa Bucket List.

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