Friday 5 July 2013

Itinerary Changes

I still fly from Heathrow Terminal 4 at 14:45 on August 21st. 

We no longer stop at Nairobi (Kenya) for our connecting flight to Johannesburg. Instead, we will be flying all the way to Abu Dhabi! As far as I am aware, the majority of our South Africa group are now on a later flight, not leaving Heathrow until approximately 21:00. This is unfortunate for them as they need to wait around the airport all day. It's unfortunate for me because I don't get to begin this exciting journey with everyone else! I'm not sure how many will be on the original flight with me but it doesn't look like many.

I will arrive in Abu Dhabi about 00:30. The later group will arrive after 04:00. We then catch our flight to Johanessburg together (yay) at 09:00. Oh well, i'm sure we can find a way to pass 8 hours in the airport! especially one that looks like Abu Dhabi's. 

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