Thursday 4 July 2013

Jolly July

Woah Woah Woah

OTHER THAN OH MY GOSH I'M SO EXCITED...I don't have much to say. As far as money-raising is concerned, it has been a quiet world. My weekend to Birmingham lessened (greatly) the amount of spending money that I had saved for South Africa. 

My only hope of more spending money lies in the fate of car boot sales and a summer job. Car Boot sales are simple to attend, but unfortunately rely on the weather. Of course, this is Scotland and that leaves them unpredictable and to be honest, a bit of a nuisance. Getting up at 7am to organize my boxes of bric-a-brac only for the heavens to open at the last minute can be very frustrating! As for a summer job, well, if only it were that simple! I will keep you posted. I have around £550 out of the preferred £1000 spending money. If you would like to help me out, feel free to contact me. It's not spending money for buying pretty things, it's living expenses! 

On a more positively exciting note...

I will depart from Heathrow Terminal 4 at 2.45pm on August 21st. HOW EXCITING?! I will arrive in South Africa on the 22nd August, where I will spend a couple of days in Johannesburg for a short briefing with the whole country group. From there, me and my partners will head to Cape Town.

I have already arranged my travel from Glasgow to London - you can call it organised or paranoid. I have been worried for some time now about how much it would cost me. Surprisingly, it was only £18 in total! £12 for a Megabus ride to London Victoria, and a further £6 for a National Express coach from Victoria to Terminal 4. I feel so lucky to have found such a bargain! The Megabus is a night bus, so I will be leaving Scotland on the 20th! 

On a even more positively exciting note...

I leave for training a week on Sunday! I am so excited about meeting my partners and learning more about my placement. Watch this space for my Training post - with photo's!

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