Friday 4 October 2013

Scotland represents Mexico in South Africa: Culture Day

Tomorrow is culture day, something warmly celebrated at the Children's Home. A group of children from each of the houses will be representing a country through food, art and dance. The volunteers have united with a great sense of team work to come up with our own idea's. With volunteers from Scotland, England, France, Switzerland and Germany, it was difficult to decide on one country. We decided to pick one that neither of us have a connection with - Mexico. It was a great idea, we have all learned something new in the process. We split into three teams: Food, Drinks, Music and Decorations.

As a whole team, we were given a budget of R100 to spend on materials. That's roughly £6. Being the dedicated volunteers that we are, we all donated R5 each towards this budget. The children's home will receive all of the profits we make. 

We are almost ready for tomorrow now. The food team will be preparing Nacho's and Salsa. The drinks team will be making a concoction of mock-tails with tasty, vivid flavours of Mexico. Traditional Mexican music will be singing away in the background as we sell our treats to passing visitors. I'm even going to wear my poncho.

I'm really excited, this is the first time I've celebrated culture day. I think every school and organisation in the world should be celebrating. There is no better way to learn about our cultures than placing yourself in the midst of them. I think it is extremely important that South Africa celebrates Culture Day, there are 11 different cultures in this country. It's very special that I get to spend culture day in the most culturally diverse country in the world.

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