Wednesday 2 October 2013

Free Time

I have been in South Africa for almost six weeks now, five of those weeks at the Children's Home. I still have no routine, everything has been hectic. I'll hopefully have a set work plan by the end of next week. I'm looking forward to that as it means I can finally start to plan trips and adventures in advance, without worrying if I'm working or not. It will be nice to have a distinct divide between work and free time.

There is a lot to do in and around Durbanville but most of it costs money. When I first arrived, I signed up for a years membership with the local gym. It was a cringey moment handing over a pile of cash but I can now go whenever I like. The showers are also amazing. We have a bath in our flat and it's okay, it just doesn't compare to a hot steamy power shower. I'm really glad I have signed up, it's a nice escape when things get stressful. I've lost 8lbs since I got here and feel much better. I don't know how, the food is so fatty.

I spend a lot of my free time hand washing. I haven't touched a washing machine since I got here, I haven't even seen one! We can have our laundry done by the children's home for free or we can take it into town and pay for it. I much prefer hand washing, it can be relaxing but it's hard work sometimes.

I've also been Go-Karting, into Cape Town and to Signal Hill at night. See previous blog posts!

We are given a plate of food everyday so you can easily live here without spending money. The food is really good sometimes but it's nice cooking for yourself now and then.

tasty home cooked meal

flat 2

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