Friday 22 February 2013

The highlight of my fundraising...

I have just received the most generous grant. I am ever so grateful and beyond excitement. Charitable Trust No.6 has awarded me a grant of £800! I really can't believe it. Today was just a normal day... until I came online to check my mail. My previous grants have arrived in the form of a cheque dropping through the door. This one is more like a promise - I will receive a letter of award shortly, I will add the £800 on to my total and then once I have reached that total, they will send the cheque. 

It is perhaps a good way to work, meaning they will not loose money if the fundraiser can't reach their total.

I think this is the highlight of my far! After all, I still have 6 months and £600 to raise! 
Due to snowy weather, my sponsored walk has been postponed until 23rd March. Scott, who is attending, has now reached £190. Amazing! He is definitely in the lead to win the £50 cash prize. (I set a prize for the person who can raise most money, in hope that people would become more dedicated...I was right!)

Arran covered in snow, the highest point is Goat Fell.
We are climbing Goat Fell, the highest Peak on Arran. Arran is an island with a population of around 5000. It is the largest island on the Firth of Clyde. Ardrossan (my home) is host to the Arran ferry. Arran was made from Volcanoes! Visit the site HERE. If you ever visit Arran, do not miss out the Cheese Shop or Chocolate Factory.

A stunning picture of Arran from Ardrossan Beach
TOTAL £4800

Sunday 17 February 2013

Very happy...

I have officially reached the £4000 mark! My brother has finally given me his promised donation of £100. I am soo happy, I feel like I have crossed a huge milestone. Hopefully my upcoming Bingo, Bag Pack, Sponsored Climb, Car Boots and Cake Sales will cover the remaining £1400 I have to raise! So, so, so very happy. :) To donate or check out my new total, click HERE.

In more news, I have a doctors appointment on the 26th February. Hopefully I'll be able to book the six (so far ) injections (not fun) that I am required to get (why, oh why). There is also a parent's meeting on the 17th March. Unfortunately this is the same day as my little sisters 5th birthday party. I am hoping I will make it home in time to see her there! Especially since I won't be here for her next birthday. Me and my mum will be attending, I look forward to her meeting the amazing people that are Project Trust!

TOTAL £4025

Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentines cake sale...

I have lot's of pictures with this post, enjoy! Happy Valentines Day Ladies and Gentlemen.

So... yesterday was my cake sale at college. It raised a total of £55! I'm very happy with that as it wasn't a very busy day and my new Grand Total is looking very attractive.

My earrings for the occasion!

money slowly coming in...

My mum caught off guard haha
We sold lot's of things, from fairy cakes to cookies to cards. I also had a tombola which must have raised atleast £15 of the total, It was very popular and 8 out of 10 prizes were won! One girl won three prizes in a row - how lucky!


Cupcakes and my Leaflet

Project Trust and South Africa cupcakes!

The kitchen has over 20 cakes left from yesterday, can't complain.

I have two car boot sales and my Sponsored Climb coming up. My brothers friend Scott has already raised over £100 for the climb, how amazing! I'm looking forward to it, let's just hope the weather stays calm.

TOTAL £3925

Thursday 7 February 2013

Coffee and then some...

I attended the second Project Trust coffee event last night. Never mind coffee, I didn't even have a hot chocolate because we talked the whole time! It was again at Tinderbox in Glasgow, a cute little coffee shop not far from George Square. This time it was a coffee evening, I arrived a little late and we all stayed until half seven.
I got to meet the South Africa Desk Officer - Dave! He will be the person helping us out on training...and the person to visit us overseas! There was also a Namibian returned volunteer (very exciting - she had traveled into South Africa) and a Sri Lanka returned volunteer! It was great to hear all the stories, both good and bad. I left feeling very good about everything that has yet to come...and even more excited! 

Now... remember that time I said I was arranging an African themed photo shoot? Well... I did arrange it... it just didn't work. My beautiful model and friend Mandy is from we ended up doing a shoot with her in a Thai outfit! Nothing to do with my Project Trust experience but I loved it anyway! I DID get photos of her in our African outfit...but i'm not sure of them yet. Here are a couple of the Thai photos, it's still something to lighten the Blog! 

I hope you like them! Back to Project Trust... I'm going to enter the "design a hoodie" competition. The winners design gets put on all the 2013 hoodies, which is very cool. I have no idea what to do but i'm sure I'll think of something! Here is last years...

I have received another donation on Virgin Money Giving, from Percy Pigeon (how suspicious). Please pretty please make a donation by clicking HERE.

Monday 4 February 2013

Health overseas...

Hello! I hope you are all enjoying Fab February. 

Due to the horrific Scottish weather, the ferry between Oban and Coll is cancelled. Somewhere in the country is a little white envelope containing £1500, struggling greatly to find it's way to the Project Trust headquarters. Every time I have tried to post this money, something has stopped me, whether it be no envelopes, no stamps, no more money slips or a closed post office. I really hope it gets there soon, all in one piece and not too run down by the weather. Please think of my envelope.

In other news, inoculations. I have received a list of six necessary injections from Project Trust. I have been advised to start my course of injections as soon  as possible. Although  it may seem early, some need to be taken in a series of injections over a period of  time. I have not yet received information on the ones required specifically for South Africa, so there are more to come...the joy!

I really hope the inoculations won't cost lot's of money. I've heard of people getting them all free...but I've also heard of people paying over £100 for one jag! Here is a list of the jags I must get: Tetanus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Typhoid and Polio. I might have had one or the other in school, but I can't remember so I'll need to check that first!

In fundraising news, I am really looking forward to my cake sale at college! I have had lot's of people volunteering to make me cakes which is so kind. I have ordered wafer cake toppers, one set with the South Africa flag (same as picture) and the other with the Project Trust logo. I will upload pictures of the cakes and event. I'm sure it will go well, no one can deny a cupcake! It is on Wednesday 13th at Reid Kerr College.

TOTAL £3870