Sunday 17 February 2013

Very happy...

I have officially reached the £4000 mark! My brother has finally given me his promised donation of £100. I am soo happy, I feel like I have crossed a huge milestone. Hopefully my upcoming Bingo, Bag Pack, Sponsored Climb, Car Boots and Cake Sales will cover the remaining £1400 I have to raise! So, so, so very happy. :) To donate or check out my new total, click HERE.

In more news, I have a doctors appointment on the 26th February. Hopefully I'll be able to book the six (so far ) injections (not fun) that I am required to get (why, oh why). There is also a parent's meeting on the 17th March. Unfortunately this is the same day as my little sisters 5th birthday party. I am hoping I will make it home in time to see her there! Especially since I won't be here for her next birthday. Me and my mum will be attending, I look forward to her meeting the amazing people that are Project Trust!

TOTAL £4025

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