Friday 22 February 2013

The highlight of my fundraising...

I have just received the most generous grant. I am ever so grateful and beyond excitement. Charitable Trust No.6 has awarded me a grant of £800! I really can't believe it. Today was just a normal day... until I came online to check my mail. My previous grants have arrived in the form of a cheque dropping through the door. This one is more like a promise - I will receive a letter of award shortly, I will add the £800 on to my total and then once I have reached that total, they will send the cheque. 

It is perhaps a good way to work, meaning they will not loose money if the fundraiser can't reach their total.

I think this is the highlight of my far! After all, I still have 6 months and £600 to raise! 
Due to snowy weather, my sponsored walk has been postponed until 23rd March. Scott, who is attending, has now reached £190. Amazing! He is definitely in the lead to win the £50 cash prize. (I set a prize for the person who can raise most money, in hope that people would become more dedicated...I was right!)

Arran covered in snow, the highest point is Goat Fell.
We are climbing Goat Fell, the highest Peak on Arran. Arran is an island with a population of around 5000. It is the largest island on the Firth of Clyde. Ardrossan (my home) is host to the Arran ferry. Arran was made from Volcanoes! Visit the site HERE. If you ever visit Arran, do not miss out the Cheese Shop or Chocolate Factory.

A stunning picture of Arran from Ardrossan Beach
TOTAL £4800

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