Saturday 2 March 2013

Just a little post...

Just a little post to say that I made £30 at today's car boot sale! This is the most I have made at a Salvation Amry sale, it usually ranges between £2-£15. Everyone was lovely and a few people have even taken my leaflet! I am glad that it's getting it's use. One lady is going to see if I can face paint at a fundraiser she has coming up. I hope this happens, it's on the 30th March so would be a nice little boost at the end of the month. Sorry - I forgot to take pictures today!

The 3rd Project Trust newsletter arrived yesterday and I was very excited to see that my photograph was on it! Here it is...

Not sure why it's flipped, happy face
To read my story from the beginning, click HERE for my very first post.
To donate, Click HERE.

TOTAL £4830

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