Saturday 23 March 2013


BINGO! My bingo night is quickly approaching, less than three weeks to go now. I have been told we are expecting to raise £500. FIVE HUNDRED POUND! I really can't wait, if it can raise that amount of money, it will be my biggest event yet. Not to mention I am a mere £600 away from my total! This Bingo is being arranged by a family member. I am so grateful for it, I know how time consuming organizing such an event can be. For any locals reading my blog, here are the details:



I realize I have not yet mentioned spending money, an important topic. So here are the basics!

As well as the £5400, Visa costs and inoculation costs, we also need spending money. Some lucky volunteers might have this money sitting around and don't need to worry about it, but unfortunately that's not me! We can't fundraise this money for obvious reasons, it is not for the charity, it is for our personal use. Whilst overseas we have the opportunity to travel, and in this time we rely on our own money. 

Project Trust advise that we take this money on a credit/debit card that can be used overseas and from home. This way parent's can put money on the card in emergencies or for birthdays/Christmas. It is also a lot easier to replace when stolen! I am currently considering a Travel Money Card from the post office, it has all the same perks and more - doesn't cost to lift cash from an ATM.

Volunteers are advised to take roughly £1000 and no more. It would be unfair for one volunteer to have £1000 and for their partner to have double that. When you think about it, £1000 for a year is not very much money, at all. So we have to use it wisely!

I have decided to start saving this money. I am giving my dad the cash to keep by for me, that way I won't - can't - spend it! So far I have  given him a grand total of....£100. Only 10% but it's a start! I aim to give another £100 in two weeks. I am also going to put birthday money towards this fund. I think I will slowly but surely be able to save the money...I hope so any way.

More on money... now that I have my training dates, it will soon be time to book my travel to and night in Oban. Thankfully, these two combined are less than £50. Oban Back Packers have recently moved to a new venue! Click HERE to visit the website. 

On to a more FUN topic, camera's! Taking photo's will be a huge part of my year in South Africa. At first, I just assumed with myself that I would take my Nikon D3000, a chunky DSLR. On second thoughts, I would be completely devastated if it were broken or stolen. So I decided to save a bit of money to buy a smaller digital camera that would offer everything a DSLR can. I ended up with a Sony Nexr, it's certainly got the same, if not better quality. It's also tiny so can be easily hidden! I even have a padlock for the case. Ain't nobody'gon pick pock me.

My new camera!

TOTAL £4830

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