Sunday 17 March 2013

Parent's meeting...

Every year, Project Trust holds a Parent's Meeting in March. This is a chance for parent's to meet the staff, ask lot's of questions and ultimately, nag about horrific thoughts. Being my nearest city, me and my mum headed off to the Glasgow event. Never have I ever seen such a beautifully grand Youth Hostel. Beautiful and Youth Hostel don't normally sit in the same sentence! It was incredible. The picture doesn't do it justice but there you go (v). After hearing of the 40, 50, 60 volunteers turning up at other meetings, I was surprised that only four volunteers turned up today. There were also two volunteer-less parents. 

Three staff were present, including John Fraser. Firstly the parents got a little brief about the charity. I was pleasantly surprised at the section about selection (yes), after assuming my mum thought I exaggerated about how tough going it was. Most of the presentation was based on insurance and what to do in an emergency: the two things at the top of any parent's mind. 

Some unfortunate stories were told about a serious traffic injury, uncontrollable volunteers and sadly, a rape. Reality checks are important to us so we don't loose our heads too high in the sky. It was very insightful and I'm glad we attended. They have encouraged our parent's to encourage us to practice hand washing clothes, cooking from basic supplies and, the best part, how to clean a toilet. I enjoy cooking and I'm sure I'll manage a bit of toilet scrubbing but I am yet to try out hand washing! 

Next up - My Bag Pack at Sainsburys Superstore in Irvine. personally hoping to raise over £300! 6th April.

Until next time! (I know the total hasn't gone up in a while but that will change soon!)

TOTAL £4830

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