Friday 8 March 2013



1 YEAR - 12 months/52 weeks/365 days/8,765 hours/525,949 minutes/31,536,000 seconds

That will be all.

My new passport arrived today, finally! I have the photocopies ready to send off to Project Trust. Also this week: I have a car boot sale on Saturday, 11am at Sainsburys in Saltcoats. This weekend also brings the Project Trust parents event! Me and my mum are off to Glasgow on Sunday (17th) so she can meet the PT gang. Unfortunately my dad can't come because it's my little sisters 5th Birthday Party! 

""Members of our staff will be present at each venue and welcome the chance to meet parents and begin the process of building a relationship that will assist in ensuring the success of your son/daughter's year overseas with us."

I'm really excited about it so I'll let you know how it goes! It's held at Glasgow Youth Hostel. 

My sponsored climb has been postponed once again. It will be on the 25th May. No complaints, especially since Goat Fell has been capped in snow for almost a month now. My Bingo and Bag Pack are speedily approaching, I have a giddy feeling that they will complete my fundraising.

TOTAL £4830

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