Wednesday 28 August 2013

A warm welcome, barefoot and begging

Looking out of the window as we descended into Johannesburg was breathtaking. I suddenly had a wave of relief. So much time and effort had built up to that moment.

So breathtaking

Beautiful Jo'burg

The first initial difference was the palette of Jo'Burg. Where Europe is lush and green and full of life, Johannesburg was painted in warm colours. For miles and miles you could see orange plains. It was also very misty. It looked like a scene from an old western.

However, the further we drove into the centre, the more I felt like I was in Grand Theft Auto. Not just because of the crazy drivers and ignorance to traffic lights but the road works, the people everywhere, the buildings.

Sun setting, drive to The Ritz

Crazy driver, there is no space!

Selling to drivers

signs everywhere

Another obvious difference was the walls. Not just walls, walls taller than 6ft. Walls taller than 6ft with bard wire and "armed response" signs plastered all over them. Absolutely everywhere. Not a single home didn't have some form of over-the-top security. wasn't over the top, it's necessary. The people are so, so scared. So many beautiful homes yet you were lucky if you caught a glimpse of the front door. Everyone lives in their own bubble of security. The homes looked like fortresses. 


another wall...

and another one...

more walls...

and another...

You might now be surprised to hear that a mere ten minutes away sits Soweto. SO-south WE-western TO-townships. Hundreds of thousands of people live here, generations of one family crammed into a 6ft square tin shack. You might also be surprised to hear that this township is one of the safest areas of Johannesburg. Ironic?

We had a rather hectic ride to our backpackers "The Ritz". I witnessed one woman throw herself in front of a car. She just lay there, on the ground, begging. Other's would stand in the middle of the road, barefoot and begging. In amongst them, men would chap on your car window, asking if you would like to buy from their crate of food. Afrikaans and English news signs plastered the walls alongside "Safe Abortion" and "Penis Enlargement."

Finally, we arrived at our stunning backpackers, situated in the midst of Jo'burgs suburbs. We settled into our rooms and had dinner - pasta! It was a relaxing evening, necessary after two days of travelling.

Our very cool dorm in The Ritz

View over JoBurg

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