Sunday 11 August 2013

Packing and panicking and all things positive

My apologies for the length and subject of this post. I think I might be in denial about leaving so I find myself focusing my heart, soul, blood and time into details like packing, how to pack and where to pack it. Exciting, I know!

I am very proud to announce that I have packed my rucksack for South Africa. Usually I would leave these things until the last minute. However, after experiencing my panic-pack-attack for training, I thought I should be a little more organised. I have three lists: Find, Pack, Location. For anyone struggling to pack, I have found these lists incredibly useful. If I had them for training, I might have showed up with a towel...and trainers...and pajamas...

First is my Find List, this is where I have jotted down everything I am missing. Whether I simply can't find it or haven't bought it yet, it's on the list. Thankfully in the past few days I have managed to slice the list to a minimum. I only need some Sleeping Aids, Water Purification Tablets, Earplanes and an Ipod Charger. Sleeping Aids I will easily get at my local Asda store. Water Purification Tablets are a little trickier to get your hands on, but Iodine does the job. I need Earplanes for, you guessed it, the plane. I have had very bad experiences flying, it triggers extreme migraines and tooth ache. Earplanes are just little gel-screws that fit into your ear to block out pressure. Although they do the job and save me from pain, it's a little annoying not knowing how loud you are shouting or if someone is trying to get your attention. My Ipod Charger has broke, feel free to donate one.

Next is my Pack List - this would be on the list of all lists as the list of all lists. Absolutely every tiny little thing that is coming to South Africa, whether on my body, in my hand luggage or in my rucksack - is on this list. To keep things clean and simple, every time I packed something, I would score it off the list. This helped me see what I was forgetting.

The final list is the Location List. This sort of merges with my pack list. I wrote the names of different compartments in my bag and jotted down everything in that compartment. It keeps me up to date on where I put this and where I can put that. I'm beginning to think I have OCD.

In a previous post I mentioned everything I was packing. Since then I have changed my mind about things and have also added extras. Here is an up-to-date list on what is in my rucksack for South Africa. I was extremely pleased to see that it only weighs 16kg out of the 20kg we are allowed. Bonus! It still weighs a ton and I would have no chance if someone pushed me over.

Left Side Pocket
First Aid Kit, Fibre Towel, Mosquito Net, Penknife. We are not required to bring a mosquito net, but after seeing the size and speed of beasties in South Africa, I don't mind the space it takes up.

Right Side Pocket
My lady bag, Sewing Kit, Socks x 10. A strange mix I know, but where it  fits, it goes.

Inner Hood Pocket
Socks x 5, Underwear x 15, Flip Flops, Plug Adaptor. Again, where it fits, it goes.

Outer Hood Pocket
Sun Hat, Sandals.

Bum of Bag
Shoes, Extra Gauze Dressings. This is an unofficial pocket, just a zipped compartment where the waterproof liner for my bag stays. I'm glad I was able to make some use out of it. I didn't really need the extra Gauze dressings but they give the bottom of my bag some padding.

Main Compartment
Trousers x 3
Jeans x 1
Skirts x 2
Tops x 5
Dress x 5
Cardigan x 3
Shorts x 2
Waterproof Jacket x 1
Converse Trainers
Bra x 5
Toiletries Bag: Toothbrush x 3, Toothpaste x 2, Face Cloth, Soap x 2, Shampoo Bar, Conditioner Bar, Mouthwash, Deodorant x 3
Under Water Camera Case
Some Pegs, string and bobbles
Netbook and all charge cables

I'm sure you are now as amazed as I am that everything above fit into one 85L rucksack in under 17KGS. I originally thought I would need to cut down on toiletries and clothes. Now all that's left is what I wear on the day of travelling and what's in my hand luggage. I'm going to be on an 8 hour coach to London, followed by an 8 hour flight to Abu Dhabi, followed by an 8 hour flight to Johannesburg (roughly). I definitely think comfort should be put first! I will probably just wear leggings and a baggy t-shirt. My Project Trust hoody is also a must! I will wear my hiking boots, they are comfortable and too bulky to pack. 

Hand Luggage:
Smaller Toiletries Bag
Spare change of clothes
Pencil Case
Document folder including flight documents
Sketch pad and notebook 
Scotland Flag
South Africa Flag
Address Book
Photo's for new room

I hope you enjoyed this very enjoyable post. I promise my blog posts will be much more exciting when I have much more exciting things to write about. As nervous as I am about leaving, I can't contain how excited I am. I feel so positive. For now, writing about the final countdown to South Africa keeps me motivated. I will add photo's when I get the chance

9 DAYS  left in Scotland...
10 DAYS left on the Continent...
11 DAYS until touch down South Africa...

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