Tuesday 13 August 2013

From Scotland to South Africa, Seven days...

I only have one week left at home.

With my departure date around the corner, more and more people have been asking me how I feel about leaving. Honestly, I have been nothing but excited since June 2012 when I found out I had a place with Project Trust. I have never doubted whether I would really step on that plane or not. My mind has of course had occasional conflicts and sometimes I might argue with myself but it's never gone so far as to make me change my mind. I am set on South Africa with mind and heart, and I feel like everything is right, everything is falling into place.

My only worries are of my family and friends. Even then, I know they are silly worries. My friends and family will still be here when I return. Hopefully my dogs will be too. I am aware that a lot can change in a year. My home town might change, my house might change and even people might change. I might change. Rather than worry over what might  be different, I look forward to what will be different. I will have something to think about, something to talk about. Stories to tell and memories to recollect. I hope to return with a better idea of who I am, of what I want to do.

Many volunteers have University placements to return to. I have college, if I want to return. However, I haven't even left yet and I don't think college is for me. I have just completed two years of Photography. I now have the skills that I need to take a quality picture. To capture memories and keep them from fading. In the end, that's all I wanted to gain. I want to travel and experience life as much as I can. Maybe I will take part in another long-term placement overseas. Maybe I will find a job that allows me to travel. I don't have a clue what i'll do, but I don't mind. 

The year ahead of me is an exciting mystery that I am yet to explore. So is the rest of my life. I am happy with that.

One of my partners, Rachael, is coming to stay at my home on August 19th. We will take the first step of our journey together - an eight hour night bus from Glasgow to London Victoria. We will fly from London Heathrow on August 21st. Reaching Abu Dhabi after midnight, we will wait until morning to take the last leg... to Johannesburg, South Africa...

7 days and counting...


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