Sunday 4 August 2013

Farewells and Festivals

It has been a very busy, very fun past two days.

Leaving Party

So last night (August 3rd) was my leaving party. My last chance to see friends.  My last chance to see family. My final farewell. For a year anyway. I still have 17 days left at home so i'm sure I will see some before I leave. It was really great to have all of my friends and family in the one room, having fun. Thank you Mum, Dad and Yvonne for making it happen! I left with an unexpected gift of R600 and £180. Thank you so much to everyone who gave money, you are crazy. Rands are so beautiful, they make me even more excited about leaving. 
I must say it was funny to see my mum dancing away all night. One of the highlights of the night was the DJ playing The Lion Sleeps Tonight. AHH WOO! BUT, the best part has to be the end, when in true Scottish style, everyone held hands and sang Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond. I was cringing and complaining at first when they demanded I stand in the middle like a circus act but it wore off and I enjoyed it. I'm quite sure my family deliberately tried to make me cry. BUT I DIDN'T. Now enjoy some pictures of the night and if you keep scrolling, you will find the second half to this post.

mum dancing away
Me, my brother and sister
Bonnie Banks
me and my brother, who will miss me DEARLY!
Me and Jasmine, who I'm going to miss so much!
Me, my brother and friends
Me and my friend Daniel
Dad, me and my brother Harry
Pretending we aren't sad!

Pre Departure Get Together
After training, the Scottish Volunteers decided it would be a good idea to meet up before our flight. So we did! unfortunately not everyone could make it, just me, Roanna (for Mitchell House, South Africa), Iona (for Underberg, South Africa), Fraser and Lewis (Partners for Hamlet, Johannesburg, South Africa). It was really fun, especially since the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is currently on. We listened to some live music and then headed for lunch and a Starbucks. After food we decided to check out one of the acts and sat in a little pub venue, watching a comedy act called Coming Out...or Getting Out, I can't remember! Either way it was about the comedians "coming out of the closet".
Meeting up with the other volunteers has made me even more excited about leaving. I can't wait to see them in Abu Dhabi! I don't think I have yet explained the flight issues so I'll do that now.
Due to the South Africa volunteers being such a large group (36) Project Trust had to split us between two flights. I fly out at 2.45pm on August 21st with Laura, Anna, Keira, Diarmid, Eppie and one of my partners Niamh. Everyone else will fly out at 9pm, August 21st. We then join forces in Abu Dhabi and fly to Johannesburg together. I'm happy with the flight arrangements and I'm glad we all spend the final leg of the journey together.
Everything is ticking along beautifully. I have everything I need for South Africa. My only concern is spending money, but I'm sure I will get by. I don't plan to excessively spend in South Africa - not that I can with less than £1000. I hope to spend money on only the bare necessities, and save the rest for travel opportunities.

I didn't take many pictures today, so here is a snap of Roanna and Iona, haha!

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