Wednesday 18 September 2013

smiles all round

I have only been here for 3 weeks and 3 days. It feels like SO much longer. The amount of knowledge i've gained, friends i've made and sights I've seen in that time is incredible. It's so exciting knowing there's still 11 months of experiences to come by.

I'm  faced with new things everyday. Today I had to stop a fight! Two of the teenage girls I work with were screaming and slapping and even ripping at each others clothes. I was definitely shocked to find out it all started because one stole the other's socks. One of the girls was shaking on the verge of a panic attack!

Last night we visited Signal Hill again. It's definitely my favourite place on earth right now, it's beyond breathtaking. The sky was a warmer colour and clouds were rolling over Table Mountain like a blanket, It was sooo amazing.

I have extremely EXCITING news! I'm taking on South Africa ALONE! Okay, that's not the exciting part. I'm going to Plettenburg Bay on Friday. Plettenburg Bay is on the coast at the other end of the Western Cape. I'm taking a 6 hour bus from Cape Town. I'll be spending the weekend with two Project Trust boys, from the Outward Bound project in Sedgefield. We plan to stay in a backpackers on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Somewhere in there, we will be throwing ourself off of a bridge...THEE worlds highest bungee jump! I am so so so excited. That doesn't mean i'm not terrified though. As long as I'm not first and not last, I'll be fine.

Next week is going to be very busy at the Children's Home as it's the school holiday. Lucky for me, I'm only working Monday, Tuesday and Sunday! Even better, i'm working night shift! I'm yet to experience night shift so I'm not sure what to expect. Unfortunately the hours are longer during the holiday. I'll be working (sitting in a dark corridor) from 7pm-7am. Crazy ?!

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