Monday 9 September 2013

Too much to squeeze into one title...

It has been a truly amazing week. I have been working in "House 5". This is where the 10-14 year old girls live. I was extremely worried about working in this house as one of my partners had a bad experience. There was no need to worry, I've had a great time. The girls can be very difficult  but the more time I spend with them, the more they loosen up. I let the girls braid my hair...! It was a little painful but definitely worth it.

There was an odd moment today. I walked into one of the girls bedrooms to find her applying super glue to another girls tooth. Already about three of them had used super glue to stick little diamonds on their teeth! "Where did you get the glue?" "I bought it." "Where did you get the diamonds?" "I picked them off my t-shirt." "Are you allowed to put diamonds on your teeth?" "No, but you can't take them off now..."

I also got my first parcel from home! My five year old sister Emily sent me a lovely little package. It made me cry but also made my day.

From Emily

She sent me this butterfly that we painted together

Don't let this stop you sending chocolate!

Thursday was a brilliant day. I had the day off, so decided to go into town with my partner Rachael. We bought  an ice cream cone each as a little treat. Rachaels face lightened up when the man behind the counter handed her the cone. I'm pretty sure she actually squeeled "yay". But then, the most horrific, hilarious thing happened. Just as she went to eat a bit, they entire heap of ice cream slid off and SLAPPED onto the floor. It was so funny. I laugh even thinking about it. 

Later on that day I joined the drumming circle. it was SO incredible! I'm going to go every single Thursday, provided i'm not working. Only two other volunteers play in the circle, everyone else is from around the area, all Afrikaner's. I'm so excited about it, I think it will open a world of new opportunities. We have been asked to join them for a "street jam" in Cape Town when we aren't working Saturday's. To be a part of something so incredible is beautiful. The beats mess with the rhythm of your heart, I had butterflies the whole time.

Just when I thought the night couldn't get any better, Sandhya asked if I would like to go to Signal Hill! YES! Signal hill over looks Cape Town and Table Mountain. It was so beautiful. The whole way up the hill, you can't see much because of the tree's. Then suddenly, the car pulls out into an open space and you are looking at this...

I had a tear in my eye. To this date, that is thee most beautiful sight I have ever seen. It totally took my breath away. We also seen two shooting stars. Perfect night. Even though we got lost on the way there and the word "yolo" was used multiple times while driving the wrong way. I can't wait to go back.

Yesterday (Friday) was another brilliant day. I was off again, so joined Sandhya, Mareike, Jacqueline and Sinja for my first road trip! The first stop was a beautiful beach in Stellenbosch. I can't get over the diverse beauty throughout South Africa.

On the way to our next stop, we spotted this little guy at the side of the road...

Our second stop was Betty's Bay. Here live hundreds of African Penguins. It was so wonderful and strange seeing penguins in such a hot climate.

Our final stop was Hermanus...for whale watching! We seen the whale's and they were very beautiful but a little too far away for good photo's. Hermanus is a gorgeous little town, a little more like a holiday town than a home though. I bought another hand crafted bracelet. Everywhere I go, i'm going to get one as a reminder. I got my first one from a market in Soweto, to remind me of Johannesburg and the township. My new one is yellow and green with brown oval beads. The beads look like drums and during our time in Hermanus, a band played african beats on the drums.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Your pictures are soo AMAZING! I'm going to read all your blogs now I found it :) i'm actually reading! Whoop whoop lol i'll wait til closer to Halloween before I send stuff out :) you'll have a decent tan by now too. Keep up the good work ;) lol love your pictures, you capture some breath taking views. Miss you wee yin :)
