Monday 29 April 2013

Nearly done

Today I had my third and final Rabies injection in my right arm and my one and only Hep A/ Typhoid in my left arm. I still feel fine so no side effects. I'm back on Tuesday the 7th for more.

I am DESPERATELY waiting for the post man. Everyone has a feeling that today is the day! I really hope my placement letter comes, I'm too excited to wait much longer.

It's May 1st and there is still no letter in sight. However I did receive the following email. I'm glad I finally know what's happening but I do wish we got a paper copy of project details, it would be nice to have something to keep. Knowing that the email could come any time, any day within two weeks is both exciting and a little frustrating, I want to know what day so I can contain my excitement!

It would be appreciated if you could take your time to check out the following website. Running 850 miles in hope of raising an incredible 10,000 for the British Heart Foundation is admirable. Click HERE for the website. Click HERE to donate.

Thursday 25 April 2013


My Project Details should be here by next Saturday. SO EXCITED. I have my next lot of injections on Monday. I got an email yesterday from Nic, the Fundraising Officer. attached to it was the letter below. It would have been more useful when I started fundraising, that way I could have sent it to sponsors and potential donors. I'm glad I have it anyway, it's a nice thing to keep. I'm back on a roll with car boot sales, desperately trying to raise my £1000 spending money. I have £435 so far, i'm sure i'll get there.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Fundraising Overview

I have decided to do a little summary of the past ten months. Life has been so hectic since my selection course, fundraising has been my life for almost a year! Here is a breakdown of how I managed to raise £5445 for Project Trust.

Return from selection on 15th. I raise £33 at a car boot sale and receive a generous £100 from the local radio station.
With help from my friends I raise £480 from a 15 mile sponsored walk. £20 donation. £64 from a car boot sale.
£63 from two car boot sales. £30 from spare change tin. £3.50 donation.
£90 from three car boot sales. I won a plasma TV and sold it for £90. £300 cheque from charitable trust. £100 cheque from charitable trust. 
£37 from car boot sale. £100 cheque from charitable trust. £500 cheque from charitable trust. £250 cheque from charitable trust. £650 donation from Barony St Johns after giving a presentation.
£135 from Fashion Show. Raised £20 at car boot sale.
Quiet month. £50 from two spare change tins. £30 donation.
Quiet month. £70 worth of donations.
£55 from college cake sale. £800 cheque from charitable trust.
£100 donation. £30 from car boot sale.
£483.91 from Sainsburys bag pack. £30 donation. £190 raised from Bingo. 

Fundraising Complete.

Reflecting on that... October, February and April have been the best months for fundraising. I am so thankful to everyone that has helped me, whether through a donation, attending an event or helping to organize one. I've never achieved something as big as this before... it feels good!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Inoculations and Celebrations...


Yesterday - 15th April - I had my second lot of injections. I had Rabies no.2 in my right arm and Revaxis in my left arm. Revaxis is a 3 in 1 injection, containing Tetanus, Diphtheria and Typhoid. My appointment was at 8.30am so I was very relieved to find no pain during the day. Thankfully, there has been no side effects this time, only little bruises on each arm! I have another appointment in two weeks time for another two injections. I'm unsure, but think it will be my final rabies and my second Hepatitis B...that's the painful one.

Waiting for my Project Details to arrive is becoming unbearable. For 10 months now I have questioned where I will be going, what I will be doing, how I will eat, sleep, work, travel! Knowing that they could fall through the door any day now is so exciting. Unfortunately, our puppy is still at the stage of, steal, chew, destroy. I have to barricade the door so he can't get to the mail! 

I also can't wait to find out who my partner is. Now that training is approaching -15-19th July - I can't stop thinking about everything!

I still can't believe I have finished fundraising. The last of the money was sent to Project Trust yesterday...they now have everything! I also have £430 for my spending money so far. I'm hoping to have about £1500 altogether. 

Friday 12 April 2013



Tonight's Bingo has pushed me over my target of £5400. I am so proud to have finished my fundraising and even more so that I have raised a little extra for Project Trust! After 10 months of fundraising, I'm sure I will miss it! 

Events associated with both Project Trust and money don't end there. I will be doing some serious car booting right up until the moment I leave, to help raise money towards my £1000 spending amount! I may also need to raise some money towards the cost of my visa, but I'm unsure on the details of that.

I have my next two injections on Monday 15th. This time it's for Rabies #2 and Revaxis. Let's hope they are painless! In more exciting news - my project details will be here within 3 weeks!

TOTAL : 5445.72

Here are some photo's from my Bingo Night!



packing up at the end

buy buy buy

my leaflet

cup of tea to keep everyone happy

Saturday 6 April 2013

Penny for a packing











Incredible! This is so much more than I expected, I am sooo pleased. I really can't thank Laura, Amy, Daniel and Jo enough. Without their dedicated help, who knows what would have happened! I even recieved an Isle of Man penny, an old 10p and an American Cent. Fabooolus. it's fabooooooolus. Pictures to follow! Only £146.09 to go. AMAZING. Thank you generous people of Sainsburys.

my £1.12 buckets!

Bagging up the money to take to the bank

Do you like my South Africa nail?

my newsletter

All the money in the one bucket

Would you believe that's £450?

TOTAL £5253.91

My big brother couldn't help today. He feels bad about it, so has just donated a beautiful £30!

TOTAL £5283.91

Friday 5 April 2013

Excited about bags and buckets

I have made a newsletter for my bag pack tomorrow. If people don't have time to pick up my leaflet and look through it, they can just glance at the newsletter. Today is going to be a busy day, making posters for my buckets, burning holes in the bucket lids and then making them look neat and tidy...the lengths I go to! My buckets were only £1.12 each. Tomorrow is a big day... that £4800 is finally going to go up! This is the first time I have been excited about packing someones bags.

My newsletter, I'm getting good at Word...

One of my completed buckets

TOTAL £4830

Monday 1 April 2013

Plea for help...

HAPPY APRIL & HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY. I've been fooled numerous times, the worst hit was hearing Jennifer Lawrence would be replaced in Catching Fire. I wasn't so fooled by Google's new "come closer and smell" idea. 

So my long awaited Sainsbury's bag pack is on Saturday. I still need 9 people to come and help out! Please contact me if you can make it.

Today I got my first Hepatitis B jag in my Left arm and my first Rabies jag in my Right arm. Aoooch. Back next week for another two!

For documentation reasons, I would like to mention that my left arm is in agony. Both arms were absolutely fine yesterday, it wasn't until I started boasting that fact that the pain started spreading. It's horrible aches and pains from my finger tips to my shoulder, all up and down my left arm. Hepatitis B, painful. Rabies, like a breeze. Thankfully, I don't have Hep B for another few weeks. On Tuesday 11th April I have my second Rabies and my Revaxis.

Sorry for repeating myself, but...Sainsburys bag pack on Saturday! I now have 7 definite volunteers: Laura, Amy, Jo, Daniel, Megan, Harry, Me. Hopefully they will all make it (I will of course) and we will raise lots of penny's. I'm also hoping that some of them will bring along an extra friend. That way we will fill up all 10 tills. I am going to estimate that we raise precisely £384.93.